He's awake

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*they walk back to the medical base, Mal goes back in*
Mal: hey
Beast: he's still in surgery
Belle: are you alright? How was it?
Mal: I'm....uh.....I'm okay I guess, I think we'll all be better when he comes out of surgery
Beast: yeah
Mal: being in front of all those reporters, it started off well and then I really registered what happened I guess and I started rambling and then I just broke down
Belle: well, he gave you quite a scare, you had to let it sink in, you'll get used to talking in front of the reporters and the cameras
*the doctor walks back in*
Doctor: he's out of surgery, he's just fine, it went very well, he'll be waking up shortly and someone should be there when he does
Beast: Mal?
Mal: but don't one of you want to be there
Belle: it's you he'll want to see when he wakes up
Mal: yeah okay
*she gets taken to his room in the medical base, she walks in and the doctor closes the door behind her, she walks over and sits on a chair on the other side of his bed next to him, she takes his hand, kisses it then rests her head on the bed, she falls asleep almost instantaneously and about five minutes later he begins to wake up, he sees Mal and strokes her hair and cheek, she slowly wakes up and the second she sees he's awake she wakes up full instantly*
Mal: ben!!
Ben: yeah?
*he pulls a little bit of a cheeky smile at her
Mal: God you scared me Ben!
Ben: what time is it?
Mal: about half five sixish
Ben: wow that was fast
Mal: I talked to the press and I tried to do my best to make you proud I really did, it started well and then went downhill, I'm sorry , you terrified me Ben, I can't lose you
Ben: and you're not going to, not for a long, long time anyway
Mal: good
Ben: did they say when I could go back to school?
Mal: minimal psychical activity for a week and then another week or two getting back your strength, I'm going to talk to fairy G about her sending me the work to do until you're back at chill because I am not leaving you until you're back
Ben: come on you don't have to
Mal: come on if it was the other way round you wouldn't leave me alone for five minutes
Ben: well then it's settled
Mal: yes it is
Ben: it'll be nice
Mal: but remember you are to spend most of the next week in bed
Ben: God, don't remind me
*Mal's stomach rumbles loudly*
Ben: you hungry by any chance?
Mal: I completely forgot I hadn't eaten, but I don't think I could manage to eat anything now
Ben: you sure
Mal: yeah, I should go get your parents, they'll want to see you
*mal lets go of his hand and gets up*
Ben: okay but you'll come back won't you?
Mal: of course, I'm going to go update the people on your condition then I'll be straight back
Ben: okay
Mal: I love you so much
Ben: I love you too
*they kiss and then she leaves*
Mal: he's awake and he wants to see you
Belle: thank you
Mal: I'll be back as soon as I've updated the people on how he's doing
Beast: are you sure you're ready to go back out there?
Mal: as everyone keeps reminding me, I will probably have to do it a lot one day so I could use the practice
belle: okay
*they smile at her and she smiles back, they then go their separate ways*

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