Make or break

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Ben: Mal?
Mal:'re proposing
Ben: I am
Mal: oh my god
Ben: you okay?
Mal: I...I...
Ben: does that mean no?
Mal: doesn't mean no
Ben: so yes
Mal: not that either
Ben: you know how this works right?
Mal: yeah, are you sure? I mean people aren't gonna like it, and what if you decide that I'm not the one after all?
Ben: don't think just answer, do you want to marry me?
Mal: I think so yeah
*ben stands up, her takes her hand, removes her promise ring and carefully puts the engagement ring on her finger instead, he puts the promise ring in the box and the the box into the pocket of his jacket which she is still wearing*
Ben: then let's get married, forget all the other stuff, if there are people who can't see that you are going to be a very good thing for this kingdom and for me then screw them, no matter who they are
Mal: you don't mean that
Ben: I mean every word
Mal: what if you change your mind
Ben: I can promise you that I will never change my mind that you are the girl I want to be married to, you are the girl I want to share a bed with, you are the girl I want to call my queen
Mal: I only hope that I can do you justice and make you proud of me
Ben: I know you will and I will always be proud of you
Mal: okay
Ben: so just to be clear, that's a yes?
Mal: yes, that's a yes
Ben: is it okay? It's kinda simple but I didn't think you'd want super flashy
Mal: it's perfect
Ben: it seems to fit you rather well too
Mal: it does, everything about it is perfect
Ben: I hope you don't think I'm crazy for doing this
Mal: oh I know you're crazy but you're my kind of crazy
Ben: good
Mal: do your parents know?
Ben: no, why?
Mal: because they're going to be furious, particularly your dad, also Audrey's family will quite possibly rebel if you announce you're marrying maleficent's daughter
Ben: when
Mal: what?
Ben: when I announce, you said if, unless you're planning on taking this back or breaking this off then it's when
Mal: okay but they're still gone be pissed, they'll probably accuse me of spelling you or something
Ben: after what happened at my coronation no one will think that
Mal: yes they really will
Ben: even if anyone was to think that I don't care, I love you with all of my heart, I'm not under any spell, I just do and no ones opinion of you will stop me so eager does it matter
Mal: you need them to respect and trust you and your decisions, making me your queen doesn't really do that
Ben: Mal listen to me, I would give up my crown for you, I'm going to marry you whether they like it or not, if that makes me unsuitable as a ruler in their minds then so be it, I will happily give it up and live a quiet life with you far away from here if they'd prefer that to be completely honest
Mal: you don't mean that
Ben: but I really do, babe, you are a good person, just because your mother isn't doesn't mean you aren't, I know that, so do they and even if they don't they will, as for my parents, I've said it before I will again if need be, I'm happy and if that's not good enough for them then I don't know what will be, Audrey was the political option and they didn't like her either so I'm going with what my heart wants, I'm happy now, I'm so happy
Mal: if you're sure you want to do this
Ben: Mal, I've never been more sure of anything my entire life, marrying you is the smartest choice I've ever made, I love you more than words can express and I trust you completely, the people will too
Mal: I hope so
Ben: they will, I know they will
Mal: maybe
Ben: we should get back
Mal: are we going to tell your parents?
Ben: sure lets do it
Mal: aren't you even a little nervous?
Ben: I'm marrying you so no not really, you are all hat I needing they can't accept you then they clearly can't be accepting of me either, what use is an unhappy King? You make things better for everyone because if I'm happy the in ruling in a nicer manner than if I'm not, sweetie I'm happier than I've ever been and if they can't deal with that then it's their loss
Mal: come on, let's go
Ben: okay, come on
*they take hands and walk back to his car which takes them back to the castle, Mal's stomach churning at the thought of telling Ben's parents who were currently in town for all of the celebrations that she had no doubt were about to occur*


She said yes, but this next but could ruin everything xoxo

Bal: a King and his queenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ