Mal's in charge

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*the next morning, he's going back to his quarters, he moves off the bed into a wheelchair, slowly with the help of Mal and a male nurse, groaning a little as he does, he gets in*
Mal: you okay?
Ben: yeah I'm good
Nurse: are you sure you'll be okay to push him ma'am?
Mal: it's Mal not ma'am and yes I'm sure
*her eyes flash green and the nurse is slightly taken aback but Ben knowing how to control her temper simply says*
Ben: Mal
*in a tone that to an outsider may have been described as warningly but to them it was just his way of bringing back out of her own temper, she may have spent quite a few months in Auradon now and she may be the girlfriend of the King but that didn't mean that temper she had developed as a child living on the isle of the lost didn't sometimes still take a hold of her, Ben was one of them few who could bring her out of it in a calm manner*
Mal: but thank you anyway
*the nurse smiles and then leaves*
Mal: so you got two options, the smart one which is spend a week or two getting you're strength back and getting back on your feet then talking to the press or the option which you're more likely to take which is that you do it now
Ben: let's wait
Make: really?
Ben: no, of course not
*he smirks a little*
Mal: you little liar
*she smirks*
Ben: you proud?
*his smirk get bigger*
Mal: of course
*they each give each other a cheeky grin and she bends down and they kiss*
Mal: to the press we go, but you're staying in the wheelchair
Ben: yes ma'am
Mal: really?
Ben: I doubt it
*she gives him a serious look that could almost be described as a glare and her eyes flash green as a warning, Ben knew to do as he was told*
Ben: I will stay in the wheelchair I promise
Mal: thank you now let's go
*a minute or two later she is wheeling him out in front of the press who all suddenly pounce to life, reminding Mal of when she and her friends had been on gargoyle bridge all those months ago*
Ben: hello everyone, I'm here to answer your questions pertaining to yesterday's incident
R1: what actually happened?
Ben: I don't know really just that Mal and I were about to walk back to her room when I had a sharp pain in my stomach that wouldn't go away, I had had a bad stomach almost all day but I thought nothing of it at the time
R2: how long is the recovery time exactly?
Ben: Mal?
Mal: like I said before, one week limited physical activity, so basically bed rest, and then another week or two just calm and comfortable in his quarters regaining his strength, the time there depends on how fast he heals and recovers
R3: who will be in charge of your care?
Ben: well I am 16 so it's not like I need a babysitter but Mal and I have talked it over and she's going to spend the next few weeks taking her lessons in the living quarters of campus seeing as most of her classes are private with fairy godmother so as long as she signs off on it Mal will stay with me so I don't get lonely and or won't be doing anything I shouldn't be which with her watching I won't
R4: will you be able to play in the tourney match next month to open the season?
Ben: alright who wants to see something funny, ready, Mal we answer on 1 okay?
Mal: uh yeah I guess?
Ben: 3, 2, 1
*simultaneously they answer*
Ben: yes
Mal: no
*they look at each other, Ben smiles but Mal frowns*
Ben: I would like to think so but I know Mal among others doesn't want me to and I can understand why
Mal: let's put it this way, you play and I don't think I can watch
*he takes her hand which was on his shoulder and kisses it*
Ben: we'll see
R5: will you be continuing your duties as King during this time?
Ben: I will be asking my father to act as King in my stead while I recover but I will be making the big decisions should such circumstances arise but otherwise there is no doubt in my mind that my father taking the reins is what's best for both the kingdom and my recovery
Mal: last question, the king needs his rest
*her hand finds its way back from her side to his shoulder and he puts his opposite hand on top, intertwining their fingers as he turns to smile at her, groaning a little under his breath as he does*
R6: does this mean you will stay out of the public eye while you recover
Ben: mostly, but again it's all touch and go at the moment so we'll have to see what happens
Mal: now the king needs his rest so thank you and goodbye
*she wheels him back into the castle, she sees Jay walk by*
Mal: Jay, can you do me a favour
Jay: depends
Mal: can you find Evie and tell her to get the clothes on my bed sent up to Ben's room
Jay: got it
Mal: thanks Jay
Jay: it's cool
*he runs off and she wheels Ben back to his room, stopping a few times to talk to some people*

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