Back to school

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*about 5 weeks later school has restarted, they are by their lockers*
Mal: i'm confused, we were the oldest last year but we have to do another two years of school
Ben: just before I became king my father made a law which says that the children are horrid on must remain three years starting this year
Mal: brilliant
Ben: well as the girlfriend of the King you would hate the alternative
Mal: True I absolutely word
Then come on let's go to class, what have you got
Mal: our class, are you?
Ben: Royal etiquette
Mal: that's been put on my schedule but it's Private with fairy godmother, why though?
Ben: because you and I are together you have learn the etiquette for formal event or so fairy godmother told me when I picked up your schedule for you
Mal: so in other words they are trying to make me presentable to the public by teaching me in two years what you guys have been taught your whole lives
Ben: I like you just the way you
Mal: but not many others will
Ben: they would if they knew you like I do
Mal: nah I'm the bad girl everyone loves today
Ben: no, not anymore
Mal: that's why most of my classes are Private, I got to pick art and that was it, plus now I play at being a princess most of the time at school, I swear she's invented classes just for me
Ben: like?
Mal: Advanced goodness, the history of the heroes and villains, laws of Auradon, The appropriate attire a royal, proper princess behaviour, magical studies - The proper use of magic and how to do an interview correctly
Ben: yeah they're all brand-new
Mal: see what I mean!
Ben: look do you love me?
Mal: yeah of course I do
Ben: do you think we have a future?
Mal: i'd like to think so yeah
Ben: Do you intend to be my queen one day?
Mal: uh if you ever decide to ask me to be, I can see myself saying yes I think
Ben: all she is trying to do is help you keep on the kingdoms good side and prepare to become a queen
Mal: no he's preparing me for my whole life, would you like to know what the last class I'm taking is?
Ben: okay?!?
Mal: motherhood
Ben: okay, that is a stretch, well it's a useful skill I suppose
Mal: yeah I guess, I'm sure I put into practice on day
Ben: oh are you
*he smirks a little*
Mal: yeah, I want to be a better mother than mine, she would always think I wasn't good enough and say I was reconnect my human father
Ben: oh
Mal: it wasn't so bad I didn't know anything different I just want to be able to do what my mother wasn't in love my kid or kids
Ben: We will together
Mal: so we are going to one-day
Ben: I hope so, maybe more than one
Mal: well then I'd better pay attention hadn't I?
Ben: yeah, I might talk to fairy godmother about taking it with you, I'm only taking two or three classes this year so I'm sure I can fit it in but perhaps call it parenting instead
Mal: yeah that would be nice I'm on my own most of the time so it'll be to be a nice house in company
Ben: I haven't got another class for a while, I have two free periods, I have got a council meeting in the main palace but I can do it afterwards
*ben puts his arm around Mal*
Mal: you are so lucky I get two free periods a fortnight, one with you and the other with Evie
Ben: that sucks, well at least I'll be in that one class with you hopefully
Mal: And some of the classes I only have to take for a couple of terms
Ben: oh well there you go then
Mal: come on let's go to class
Ben: okay
*they take hands and walk off to class*

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