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*the second he sees her fall he runs to her but he's too late to catch her, he lifts her into his lap but nothing seems to work, fairy godmother hurries to them*
Ben: what bappened?!
FG: I don't know, she mustn't have been strong enough, Ben you've got to take her to the doctor now, it's taken everything she has to restore itself
Ben: you knew this would happen!
*he cried out at her in anguish as he felts tears form in his eyes, he grabbed Mal up in his arms, the guards came to take her but he wouldn't let them, in utter disbelief he went as fast as he could to the medical unit in the castle, barely managing to stay on his feet as he tried not to like at her, limp and lifeless in his arms, he stormed PST the onlookers who gasped in shock at the sight and as soon as he got where he needed to be a doctor ran to him*
Doctor: what happened?!
Ben: she collapsed after the restrengthening of the magic barrier
*the doctor leads him to a room hurriedly where Ben lays her down on the bed, he stands there impatiently as the doctor checks her over*
Ben: will she be okay?!
*he finally relents to his anxieties and spurts out*
Doctor:I can't be sure while she's unconscious, she seems okay but I can't tell while she's in this coma
Ben: coma?!
Doctor: I'm afraid so
Ben: s...she will wake up though right?
Doctor: I don't know your highness, if the barrier took to much from her then she might not have enough power to restore herself
Ben: but if she does wake up?
Doctor: then with some rest and relaxation she'll probably be fine, she has definitely sprained her ankle when she fell though, she must've twisted it wrong
Ben: oh Mal
Doctor: if she does wake up, she'll need to be looked after for a while, getting her strength back will be a process, it won't just happen
Ben: I'll be there
Doctor: your highness, you have a kingdom to run
Ben: she did it for me so now it's my turn
Doctor: of course
Ben: do you think she will wake up?
Doctor: we can only wait and see I'm afraid, her body needs time to recharge
Ben: okay thank you doctor
Doctor: someone will be in to strap up the ankle shortly
*ben nods in acknowledgment as the doctor leaves, Ben sits down in the chair at her bedside, he picks her hand up gently and places a soft, delicate kiss on it*
Ben: I'm so sorry, this was all my fault, I should never have let you do this, I'm a king and I'm your fiancé, the latter comes first, it always should have


Uh oh xoxo

Bal: a King and his queenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt