First of many

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*later Ben comes back to fund Maurice and Mal sat chatting*
Maurice: Ben I don't know what you were talking about, she hasn't eaten yet and she's a sweetheart
Mal: pardon
Ben: thanks gramps
Mal: oh so you think I need to have eaten to be reasonable?
*she gets up and starts advancing on him which gets him a little nervous*
Ben: I did not say that
Mal: what did you say bennyboo?
Ben: bennyboo? Crap I'm in trouble
Mal: are you?
*she reaches him and takes the side of his hoodie which was not done up one in each hand*
Ben: uhhh yesss? Nooo? Maybe? I don't know can you please just tell me and get this over with
*mal starts chuckling*
Mal: you're so easy to mess with
Ben: uh huh?
Mal: I am not good without food, so where's breakfast? This fairy's hungry
Ben: what does the fairy want?
Mal: well the eggs that are cooking right now and the bacon that is also cooking right now would be a good idea
Ben: what! I was gonna cook
Mal: no offence babe but I'd rather not risk food poisoning like how often have you actually had to cook for yourself?
Ben: I took home ec
Mal: for how long?
Ben: a year
Mal: sweetie
Ben: I can!
Mal: alright dinner
Ben: well happy anniversary I guess
*she stands on her tippy toes and pecks his lips*
Mal: I love you
Ben: yeah I love you too
*a while later they sit down for breakfast and after Mal has gotten dressed she comes back into the living room*
Ben: want to go for a walk
Mal: sure
Ben: we'll see you later gramps
Maurice: okay have a nice walk
*they head out and start walking, he slips his hand into hers as casually as he can and intertwines their fingers*
Mal: this is nice
Ben: yeah just you and me, no cameras, no press, nothing
Mal: this is what our anniversary should be
Ben: it is
Mal: do you ever wish this was what our lives were like all the time?
Ben: I don't know, maybe, I think I kinda do sometimes, you?
Mal: no, I really thought I would once we got here but you know what? If we were then we wouldn't appreciate this right now, waking up to your kissing me on the cheek with your arms wrapped around me, you wanting to make breakfast, us on this walk hand in hand together, it wouldn't mean the same thing
Ben: true
Mal: it's been a year
Ben: it has
Mal: that's insane
Ben: yeah, it doesn't feel like it's been that long
Mal: yeah
Ben: here's to many, many more
Mal: I hope so
Ben: I know so

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