The trip

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*The next day she wakes up to find him walking out of the bathroom already dressed*
Ben: hey
Mal: hey
*she sits up and stretches before looking around confusedly*
Ben: sleep well?
Mal: uh yeah, umm how'd I get over here? we were on the couch when I fell asleep
Ben: I carried you
*he says acting like it was no big deal even though he knew she'd disapprove drastically and was quite possibly be about to have to calm the storm that came with her temper, or more the storm that was her temper, she would sometimes accidentally change the weather to storms when she was really angry which made him fear for her, having that much power that was growing and her being unable to control it*
Mal: ben, you know you're still not supposed to be doing any heavy lifting
Ben: now you see I wasn't though, I was lifting you
Mal: very flattering and I love you dearly for it but completely beside the point
Ben: I know and I'm sorry but you've been so good to me that you deserved to at least sleep comfortably
*he comes and sits next her, she rests her head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around her side, she eventually lifts her head, kisses his cheek and then turns so she is facing him square on*
Mal: can I see your scar?
*he lifts his top up just enough to show her, and maybe flash his abs a little too, to which she had to work very hard to hold back the smirk that she wanted to instinctively pull, both at this manoeuvre and the sight of his six pack*
Mal: wow, you can barely even see it anymore, magic
Ben: that's not really a phrase you can use in the way you intended it, especially not when your half fairy
Mal: good point
Ben: but anyway that's good that it's not very visible
Mal: it is
*he stops and smirks*
Ben: does it make me look like a tough guy
Mal: would you like me to say yes?
*she smirks back*
Ben: it's definitely wouldn't hurt my ego if you said no
*his smirk gets even bigger*
Mal: you know for a proper little good boy King you really do like to talk dirty don't you?
*she softly chuckles as she leans in towards him*
Ben: definitely
*he leans in too and they kiss as passionately as ever before, if not a little more so, it wasn't going to lead to anything too much just yet, she wasn't ready and he knew it, he wasn't going to push her, when she was ready she'd let him know but until then this makeout session was good enough for his, eventually she pulls away, leaving her forehead resting against his for a moment before moving away a little*
Mal: 3 more days and you can go back to school, if the doctor signs off on it that is
Ben: thank goodness, I mean I love spending all the time I can with you, but God am I bored of this room
*Mal gets up*
Mal: good thing I've made plans for us to go out for the day then isn't it
*ben follows her lead and gets up too*
Ben: I love you so much sometimes
*Mal pulls a bit of a really? Sort of face at him*
Mal: sometimes?
Ben: you know what I mean
Mal: maybe I do
*she smirks yet again*
Ben: so where are we going?
Mal: the beach, and then this afternoon I said we'd go over to the elementary school a few minutes away if you're up for it, they've been asking for you to go for weeks
Ben: cool
Mal: yeah
*he pulls her into him, his arms finding their way around his waist, hers automatically going around his neck in response*
Ben: yeah, it sounds fantastic, thank you
*she smiles and he plants a quick kiss on her lips*
Mal: the car will be here in half an hour to pick us up
Ben: well then let's go get you dressed
Mal: okay
*she takes his outstretched hand and they walk of to her and Evie's room so she can change*

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