19 years

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*a little under 5 months later it's Mal's 19th birthday and Ben intended to make I big deal of it in more ways that one Mal wakes up in what is now here room to find Ben sat by her bed, when she moved into the castle it was decided that they would have separate rooms for the time being, they often spent nights together going between their rooms but the night before Ben had insisted on them being separate even though she wanted to share, she sees the romantic breakfast in bed Ben had prepared for her*
Ben: hey beautiful
Mal: hey
Ben: happy birthday
Mal: thank you
*she kisses him*
Mal: did Evie and Doug get here yet?
Ben: they got delayed with the dwarves
Mal: oh
Ben: but they'll be here by tonight
Mal: how long have you been there?
Ben: just over quarter of an hour
Mal: you'd better get going for your council meeting soon
Ben: nope
Mal: what?
Ben: I've cancelled it for today, today will be all about you, it's gonna be a big day ahead
Mal: why is it so important though?
Ben: because it's your birthday
Mal: so?
Ben: I want to celebrate with you
Mal: I don't really like celebrating my birthday though
Ben: oh...sorry, I didn't think, we don't have to
Mal: no, no it's okay, if you want to then we can do it
Ben: but it's your day
Mal: it's just another day to me, I just happen to be a bit older so if you want to do it then we'll also it
Ben: really? Are you sure?
Mal: yeah if it makes you happy to celebrate me then it makes me happy
Ben: okay, I've got a very romantic date planned but first your breakfast m'lady, I made it myself
*he hands her the food and she finished it after about ten minutes*
Mal: just let me get dressed
Ben: I'll wait for you at the front of the castle
Mal: okay, I won't be long
*he leaves and she begins to get dressed, about 10 minutes later she meets him where he told her to*
Mal: so where are we going?
Ben: it's a surprise
Mal: I hate surprises
Ben: I'm hoping you'll like this one
*a little while later they arrive at a clearing in the forest not far away  from beast castle, it had been beautifully decorated with candles and twinkle lights*
Ben: tah dah
Mal: wow, what time did you get up to do all this?
Ben: somewhere around five
*he chuckles at her surprise*
Mal: why would you do that for me?
Ben: because I love you, that's kinda the reason we've been together for two and a half years
Mal: no ones ever done anything this nice for me before
Ben: you're worth it
Mal: thank you Ben, for everything
Ben: of course, now let's eat
Mal: I only just had breakfast
Ben: it was quite small
Mal: on purpose I suppose
Ben: yup
Mal: okay
*he sees her shiver a little*
Ben: would you like my jacket? It's pretty cold
Mal: would you mind?
Ben: for you? Of course not
*he grabs his coat and helps her put it on , they eat, talk and laugh for a while and just as she's finishing her dessert he prepares himself for what he's about to do, he pulls out a little box, she looks at him and sees the box*
Mal: w...what's that?
Ben: stand up a second for me
Mak: w..why
Ben: please just do it for me
Mal: o...okay...
*she stands up extremely nervously with the distinct feeling she knows what's about to happen, he gets onto one knee and she feels her breath catch in her throat as he smiles at her extremely nervously, he opens the box to reveal the thing that makes both of their hearts skip a beat, her eyes go wide as she sees the beautiful and yet simplicity of the thing she's being presented with*
Ben: Mal, I know we're still really young and it's only been two and a half years that we've even known each other but I can honestly say that there will never be anyone I will want to be with anywhere near as much as you so I cants see the point in waiting, you're the one for me, the only girl I could imagine spending my life with, I could never live without you, I don't want to ever be without you, so would you do me the honour of calls you my wife? Will you please say you'll marry me?
*he looks into Mal's wide eyed stare which is going between him and the ring and cannot quite read her face which really unsettles him*


What do you think? Is she ready to say yes or will she have to tell him she's not ready? You'll have to wait and see won't you 😂😂 xoxo

Bal: a King and his queenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ