"You reek." I crinkle my nose and laugh.

"Well I just played in a game for two hours. Did you expect me to smell like roses?" He smirks.

"No, I just thought I'd let you know." I say and we both laugh.

"That kiss definitely caught me off guard."

"But did you like it?"

"Yes, I did."

"Well then I guess that's all that matters, right?"

Hunter nods at my words. "Did you do it because of Sarah?"

"Sarah who?" I pretend to be clueless.

"You know who I'm talking about."

"Okay, so maybe I did..." I confess, which causes him to laugh. "But she needs to know her place."

"Well if she didn't know before she definitely should now."

"Apparently not if she's touching you. That's a no no for me."

"I'll make sure she doesn't touch me again, okay?" He says and I nod. "It was pretty hot when you marched right over here like that, though."

I just laugh and kiss him.

"Hey, Hunt." I hear a deep voice.

We both pull apart and I recognize Hunter's friend and suitemate Benny standing before us. He grips Hunter's shoulder and I step back. Someone is always interrupting us and it's so annoying. But I try to be nice about it.

"Hey, Asia." Benny nods at me.

"Hey, Benny. Nice game."

"Thanks," He says before looking over at Hunter. "Well Hunt, we're gonna head back to the room in a few minutes so we can change and head out to the party."

"Okay, I'll be over in a minute." Hunter nods.

"You should come, Asia," Benny smirks at me. "I could always use you on my team for a good game of beer pong."

I laugh. "Maybe."

"Okay, well Hunter we'll be over there." He nods in the direction of where the rest of the teammates are talking before walking away.

"Going to a party tonight?" I ask.

"Oh...yeah. It's at one of the frat houses off campus. The guys wanted to go since it's Halloween." He scratches the back of his head.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot." I laugh lightly. "Which frat house?"

"The Kappas."


"Do you want to come? It's Halloween so I bet it'll be a lot of fun."

"Fun as in a bunch of drunk and reckless college kids who are dressed up?" I ask with an unimpressed tone.

"Yeah, basically." He nods.

"I think I'll pass." I press my lips together.

"Of course." I think is what I hear him mutter but I am unsure.

"What was that?" I lean forward.

"I said of course." His voice grew louder.

"Okay...well that was rude."

"Well we're honest with each other, right?" He asks. I can tell this conversation is going south and it's obvious in his eyes. Where is this attitude coming from?

"Yes, but there's ways to go about it," I nod. "You never even brought up the idea of me going out with you anyways."

"Because you never want to go out."

Forever You & I (Book #3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant