Chapter 4

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I wake up to the sound of an alarm going off. I am quick to turn it off and go back to sleep but remember that I can't. Classes start today and because of my advisor, I have a class at 9 in the morning. At first I figured it would be okay because I got up at 6:15 every morning for high school, but then Kyle warned me that taking morning classes in college sucks, so I guess I'll be experiencing it first-hand. In the bathroom, there are many girls buzzing around, getting ready for their first day. I quickly dress and leave my room so I can head to class.

It was a history class, which I knew I probably wasn't going to enjoy because I've always sucked at history. But maybe it'll be different. College is different from high school so I guess we'll see. The one thing I can say that I do enjoy is how everyone seems to mind their business and are about themselves. You don't have to walk down a hall in fear of being judged or talked about. This was new and no one knew my past. It was relieving to think that no one knew my past but it was troubling that I was the one still haunted by it.

I enter the building and am thankful that the building had air conditioning because even for the early morning it was really warm outside. The class is large, probably able to seat about 100+ people. It isn't too packed, but many people are beginning to make their way in. I decide to sit further away from the front, not wanting to bring any attention to myself. I decide that if the back is too distracting for me I will move closer.

I watch as people begin to pile in and the seats become occupied. A female and her friend (I am assuming so because they begin chatting lowly with each other) sit near me and a guy on the other side. I begin to doodle on my notebook as I wait for the professor to arrive and for class to finally begin. It was definitely different being in such an open and large classroom. But I don't mind it.

As I doodle away, I think about home. I texted my mother this morning because I was feeling homesick. I could really use some of her breakfast to help start my day but instead I was subjected to a granola bar because I didn't go to the dining hall to eat. I wondered how Cheyenne and Cora were doing since today was their day as well. A deep wave of sadness washes through my body but I try to remind myself that it's only the first day and the class hasn't even started yet.

"That's a really nice drawing," I hear a low and deep voice say.

I whip my head up and turn to the person sitting on my right. His dark eyes were staring right into mine and a smile was planted on his face. He was a mocha brown color with short black hair and a deep dimple on the left side of his face.

"Oh," I can't help but blush from embarrassment. "It's nothing really. I'm just doodling."

"It doesn't look like it. That's a real intricate flower." He leans forward and my first instinct is to lean away. He notices and bites his lips to refrain himself from smiling. He leans away back to the distance he was from me before.

"Really, it's just a doddle." I say as I stare down at my drawing.

"Are you sure you aren't an artist?" He smiles.

"I'm sure." I nod once and look over at him. I try to give him a light, closed-mouth smile so that I don't come off as rude.

"So what's your major?"

"I'm undecided." I reply. His eyebrows raise and I tilt my head. "Why do you look so surprised?"

"Because I am."

"Oh?" I don't know what else to say to him.

"I must be from Indiana then."

"No I'm not, actually."

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