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Today has been slow, very slow but not too eventful which sometimes – especially after the pass few weeks – is a good thing. I went for a run this morning to grab some groceries from the local shop because I was a bit short of the basics. After a quick change and some breakfast, I was out in town doing a sweep of some of the gyms to offer my services. One asked for my CV but the others said they weren't looking for physiotherapists which is fair enough. It is not like I have no job, it is just right now it is not the season for it.

Right now I am settling down on the sofa waiting for Ricky to video chat me, which surprised me that he offered at first because I thought he and the guys would be busy but apparently not. I have my dinner on my lap and I start to eat it steadily, waiting for his name to pop up my laptop screen. Suddenly, noise starts to come from my laptop's speakers and Ricky's sexy icon appears on the screen so I answer with a, 'Hey baby.'

'Hello love. How has your day been?' Ricky asks me, the footage makes his eyes look duller than their usual colour however I do notice the black bags underneath them. 'Not too dull I hope.' He teases knowing that the job hunt hasn't really gone to plan because I know he'd much rather I'd rest so he can spend more time with him when he is around.

'It hasn't been too bad actually, done some sewing and I am now eating pasta.' I lift up my bowl of hot, steaming pasta up to the camera so he can see my dinner which is covered in tomato sauce, with a sprinkle of cheese.

'Ooh yummy what I would give to be with you know eating pasta...the food here isn't exactly great.' He lifts up his pot noodle making me laugh but he eats another mouthful anyway. 'And the company, well, it is pretty shit.'

'Hey!' I hear one of the guys exclaim before a cushion lands on Ricky's head causing him to groan at the contact. He chucks it back and soon Simon comes into view holding said cushion close to his chest, he sits behind Ricky. 'You alright Kase?' He asks me.

'Yeah I'm good thanks Si, are you?'

'Not too bad...' He trails and scratches his beard, 'This one has been a bit of a terror though.' Another hit on the head by the cushion which is then swept up by Peanut as he passes with a quick wave to the camera. 'I would kill for some pasta...' He clutches his stomach as it rumbles so loudly that even I can hear it, 'What type of pasta do you have there?' I am confused about their hunger because originally their plan was to go out and eat at some fancy restaurant in Munich but obviously that hasn't happened.

'Tomato.' I state after another mouthful of food.

'Tomato in the rain!' Someone shouts earning a large chorus of "shut up Whitey" telling me who the culprit is. Ricky notices my confused expression and laughs at me, a large hearty laugh right from his belly making the mood lift slightly.

'We have a song called tomato in the rain.' He explains and I nod in understanding although I am still slightly puzzled at their reaction. Or maybe it is because I am now very curious what the song could actually be about. 'We could play it tomorrow night.' Groans then him being shot down at the idea, perhaps because it is an older one so Vijay wouldn't necessarily know how to play it.

We continue to talk about anything and everything that Ricky could have missed during his short time away which is not a lot. I tell him about my sewing and how terrible the job hunt has been. He has made it clear several times that I don't need to worry about employment because he has got us covered but I don't want him to pay for everything; just because he has the money doesn't mean he should spend it on silly old me.

Ricky tells me about some group of fans who they ran into at the airport before flying out to Germany. Apparently although they were very nice, they were definitely quite in the band's face. This made Whitey very uncomfortable as he is awkward around fans even in meet and greet situations, he shouts out every so often that he was fine making Simon roll his eyes as he tears open a bag of crisps. 'Why didn't you guys go out for dinner?' I question with my eyebrows scrunched making Ricky shift in seat nervously. 'Ricky...'

Falling Awake - Ricky Wilson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now