Follow Up Appointments

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Follow Up Appointments

I frown at the sight of my living room, it is a huge mess! Last night I didn't get in until late because I was roped into a pub visit by my colleagues which ended in some very unflattering karaoke. I planned to clear up this morning but then Josh called about wanting to visit so I ended up talking to him for about half an hour and then I had to get my stuff together to take to the cricket ground later on before the game. I pull my blue, Yorkshire cricket training hoodie over my head just as my doorbell goes. Must be Ricky for his follow up appointment. I hope he doesn't mind mess. I grimace at my unprofessionalism before pulling open my front door to reveal Ricky and someone I don't recognise. 'Come on in.' I tell them as they both follow me in. 'How is my favourite rock star patient?' I cringe as soon as the question leaves my mouth, I have only met the guy once.

'I am good actually.' He tells me as he takes a seat on the sofa but his friend remains standing. 'Especially because I am looking at a Warwickshire girl wearing Yorkshire training kit.' He looks smug as he says this. I look down at my bright blue jumper and my navy blue joggers with the white rose displayed proudly on both pieces of kit.

'Well I do prefer yellow and navy blue to bright blue and I prefer bears to white roses but what can you do...' I taunt as I think back to the kit I would have to wear on match days back in Birmingham. 'Sorry for the mess guys. I am literally going to scoot off to the ground as soon as we are done here.' I tell them.

'Don't worry about it.' Ricky waves it off, 'You should see the state of our tour bus. Oh talking of which, this is Vijay our drummer.' I smile at Vijay who returns my smile.

'Lovely to meet you Vijay.' I say, 'You must be the owner of the drum kit which Ricky decided to launch himself off.'

'That's me.' He chuckles, 'I told him not to.' I watch as Ricky cowers behind his hands as he puts his leg up onto the small plastic table again wearing his baggy shorts. 'Anyway, I am going to go grab some things from the shop. I will be back in an hour to pick him up.' With that Vijay opens my front door and leaves just me and rock star Wilson...yes I may have researched him. It wasn't stalking! I was just interested...

'So how are you liking Leeds Miss Armstrong?' Ricky asks me as I remove the support of his calf and discard it to one side.

'I like it a lot.' I tell him, 'I have made some good friends and the people at work are nice. It feels a bit weird being away from Birmingham though, I have lived there since...forever really.' I ramble as I run my hands up and down his calf to check the swelling which has gone down considerably.

'I understand; it was weird for me when I left Leeds to live in London.' I look up at him confused so he elaborates, 'I don't really live here...well I have a flat here and in London. I spend most of my time in London because I have a radio show and the station is located down there.' I lift up his leg and press down on his foot to see how his calf acts. 'I am spending quite a bit of time up here though because of gigs and we are releasing a new album soon. I have a bit of time off from the radio.'

'And you get to spend your time off reclined on a sofa with your leg elevated.' I giggle making him chuckle.

'Yes. Lucky me.' He pauses and watches me massage his calf. 'How are you liking the job?'

'The job is great!' I exclaim, 'It is strange being away from a team that I have supported since I was child and worked with for five years but it is definitely a new adventure.' I wiggle his ankle in its socket and watch his facial expression for discomfort but he doesn't show any. 'Your calf is doing well Ricky.'

'That's great.' He sighs in relief, 'The thought of not being able to perform is almost...unfathomable.'

'Wow...Wilson uses big words.' I tease making him chuckle.

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