14. House of Dicks - Literally

Start from the beginning

I began humming the tune 'kiss the rain' by Yiruma. I put chocolate chips in the last pancake and flipped it once more.

I was still humming while rolling my tense neck, I must have slept wrong last night, Emery arms were wrapped pretty tightly preventing me from moving the whole night.

Asher POV

I woke up early, around 10 am, and could smell the pancakes from my room. I groggily got up rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I walked into the kitchen soundlessly and leaned against the arch doorway watching her. She was gorgeous, more then gorgeous. Her beautiful voice hummed a tune I did not know, as she teased her hair.

She rolled her neck in circles, oh how I wish to touch her, release the stiffness of her muscles. I looked at what she was wearing, or lack of it. Just one of Emery's shirts, it disgusts me to know what they were doing last night while we were out.

She rubbed her left foot sliding it against her right in a soothing gesture. My body itched for her and I absentmindedly started walking towards her but stopped mid-way, I was still in my boxers with no top on, and I'm sure if I were to hug her she would feel the hardness of not only abs but something else.

Oh, how I long for her, to touch her, caress her, love her, and make love to her. I would be so much better then Emery, I would cherish her, treat her like the queen she is. If only I could make her catch him doing something, or rather one, then everything will fall into place.

Screw the worlds, Emery, and the prophecy; I would have Serafina all to myself. I would steal her against her will if I have too, but I know deep down she really does love me, Fucking Emery is just blocking all her true feelings for me. I know it; she loves me, as I love her.

"Asher, I know you're behind me and before you decide on attacking me, busy yourself by setting up the table," she said, shit, how long has she known I was standing here? I have made no sound, no movement, almost. "Oh and while your at it, you might want to put on some proper clothes and do something about, that", she said turning to face me and pointing to my growing erection. Even when she spurts fire or ice I'm still turned on, disgusting. Not her, me.

As much as I hate using inhuman characteristics, I desperately wanted to get out of there before we said something we both would regret. Using my vampire speed, I set up the table for everyone and walked out of the kitchen at human pace. I didn't say anything to her, but as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I could faintly hear her speak, "I will never love you Asher, I'm sorry". And with that I ran to my room passing a very concerned Chris.

Emery, it is so on.

May the best man win the key to Serafina's heart.

Chris's POV

"Mmm, smells delicious darling, tell me, why did Asher have a boner?"

"I don't know, I was cooking and he was just standing there, it's creepy but I feel bad you know. I just will never love him the way I love Emery, I don't know how to tell him though. Chris you have to help me before something happens!"

Yea, we wouldn't want a repeat of last time...

"Hmm?" she looked at me as if she heard what I said, though wasn't sure she heard right.

"Nothing lets eat", I said with a smile. We will have to do something about Asher, without Emery or her knowing.

"But no one else is here?"

"CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES ON THE TABLE!" I yelled nothing gets guys up then food on the table.

We both started laughing as out of no where the boys turned up, with Caleb holding Avi, because of her lack of speed.

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