"Ouch, Flynn," Charlotte laughed. "You really need to come up with some new material tonight."

"I just thought of a Phoenix joke I could've made," Harry grinned. "But I forgot the punchline before I could say it."

"Damn," Charlotte sighed. "There's a whole plethora of fire jokes we could be making right now, and none of us can think of any."

"Maybe the actual bonfire will jog our memory," Flynn said, dropping his skateboard and getting ready to move. "Last one down the hill is a rotten egg!"

"I am not doing this again," Charlotte started, but her friend was already skating away. She glanced at Harry who only laughed, stepping out of the house, closing the door and taking her hand, before jetting off down the hill, dragging her along with him.


The flames on the bonfire were luminescent in the dark of the park as they sat, Flynn, Charlotte, Harry and a bunch of other people from her year group at school. Charlotte glanced over at her friend who sat a couple meters away from her, chatting to a handsome blonde boy named Noah Pine, whom Flynn had shared several classes with, and envied him slightly. His conversation seemed to be going well over there, but were Harry and her were sat, the crimson embers that flew aimlessly in the air before extinguishing lasted longer than her will to speak, as she opened and closed her mouth like a goldfish for quite some time now.

"I need alcohol," Charlotte sighed, glancing around at the drinking/drunk teens around her, before realising that none of them would ever share with her.

"I come prepared," Harry spoke, and she raised her eyebrows, shocked. He pulled out a flask from his pocket a and grinned. "Nicked a bottle of Sirius's firewhiskey earlier- he definitely noticed, but didn't confront me about it, not really. Just transfigured this flask out of an old paperclip and handed it to me."

"Coolest godfather ever," Charlotte grinned, holding out her hand. "Go on then, give it over."

"It packs a punch you know," Harry warned, and Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

"And how much of this firewhiskey have you drank, Romeo?"

"Loads. All the time."

"More like butterbeer," Charlotte scoffed. "Which I'd great by the way, don't get me wrong. Crave it all the time. But pass that whiskey."

"If you insist," he shrugged, a mischievous look in his eyes that made Charlotte rethink her decision to drink first.

But she ignored this feeling and screwed open the flask, downing a mouthful and immediately shoving the drink back into Harry's hand. Charlotte's heat tolerance had never been very high, and this was certainly no exception, her mouth, lips and throat burned as she yelped.

"God," she shouted as Harry laughed hysterically at her red face. The burn was beginning to subside now, leaving a giddy, drowsy sensation in it's place. "Was the fire over there or in my mouth? I can't tell any more!"

"I told you it packs a punch."

"A punch?" Charlotte laughed, loudly.  "A punch? That packed a poke- I mean, a kick- I mean it's your turn!"

"You're extremely lightweight aren't you?" Harry grinned and she nodded giddly, before urging him on. He took a tentative sip before shaking his head as he panted dramatically, face growing ten times redder than hers had ever been. "I take it back!"

ROMEO [2] ⚡ harry potter Where stories live. Discover now