"Does She Make You Happy?"

Start from the beginning

"Nothing important. Only me" I shifted in my seat as he sat forward once more,

"Now that is important" he took a sip of his drink, we still hadn't broke eye contact. Well, until he watched my lips move as I moved the sweet around in my gob,
"Hang about. What's that you got?"

"It's just a sweet" I smiled a little when he narrowed his eyes at me,

"Yeah? D'ya mind if I have a crack?" He pointed at my mouth and raised an eyebrow. Was he serious? I giggled softly, the silly bugger, there was loads in the bowl. Yes, but he wants yours...

"You're not right..." I went to take it out but he stopped my hand and leant forward to slip his tongue into my mouth! We both sweetly chuckled as his tongue hooked it away, taking my breath with him,

"Was this mine?" He pointed at his mouth and crunched it,


"Thought so. Cheeky bugger" I loved how he would say that, "Cheeky Bugger", just his voice and that strong cockney accent that I was a sucker for.
You see, I was from London but I spoke more proper, if you would.
My eyes then clapped on to my brother and Skinner walking towards us, Richie stopped looking at me when he realized something over his shoulder had stolen my attention from him,
"This better be a joke..." he huffed and checked his watch with a high level of annoyance written all over his face,

"Richie..." My brother looked a little weary to approach him to say the least,

"Cal, what ya doin' mate?" He raised a brow, looking very aggravated with him,
"Didn't I tell ya, no interruptions whilst I'm entertaining?"

"Honestly boss, this is properly urgent"

"Listen, the pair of ya, you see this..." He aggressively prodded the table with his finger,
"This right here's what's important to me tonight, yeah? So whatever it is, handle it. You got that?"

"This can't wait..."

"Well it's gonna have to if ya can't sort it ain't it! Now go on... See ya later" I stumped my smile at his satirical sense of humour,

"Sir, this is very important business" Skinner stepped forward to interject. Richie got out of his seat, the boastful look to his eyes had disappeared rapidly, only now overcome by a restless, bristling energy burning within his glare. My baby was not one bit pleased...

"It is not important. If it was, I'd know about it. Wouldn't I? Cause it's my business. Now, do the fackin' job that I pay the pair of ya to handle!" he snapped as quietly and as reserved as he could,

"Marty's dead Rich, and... well so is Fuller" Richie suddenly became enraged to the news. He looked away for a second to compose himself. He bit in his lip and pushed his chair calmly back under the table,

"Jada, you'll be alright for a minute won't ya?"

"Of course I will" No! I don't want to share you this evening!

"Good lass" he softly stroked my shoulder when he walked past me. I then heard him instruct somebody to come and sit with me, to keep me company, or more than likely to stop anyone from sitting with me,

"Alright Jada my lovely" It was only Micky Kray!

"Micky, hiya" I found it difficult to hide my excitement!

"You're lookin' very well. Are you having a pleasant evening?"

"It's been beautiful. So so lovely. I'm in love with this place"

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