Chapter Fourteen - The Blizzard

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A.N Hey all!!! So excited to write in another POV for this chapter!!! Obviously, I have to since, well, Otis can't really tell us what happened since he's unconscious too.... so, I'm now writing in

Dr. O's POV (first time!! Yay!!!)
"Otis!!! Otis?" I shouted. I looked down in the crater again, and he had dropped down too. I couldn't believe this!
"Otto! Oscar!" I shouted. "Go down into the ice crater and bring those agents up, stat! They're both in advanced stages of hypothermia. Quickly, c'mon!!"
Otto and Oscar each grabbed onto a rope, and repelled down the fifteen foot drop.
"We're down!" Otto shouted, his voice echoing. I saw them each holding onto one of the agents, and Otto climbed up first with Otis. After we got Otis up Oscar got Olympia out, and we took their temperatures.
"55." Otto said.
"48." Oscar said, very shocked and scared.
"We need to get these two back out of the cold now! There's a blizzard coming, and we can't get caught in it! This IS a life or death situation for all of us!!!" I shouted over the strong winds. We covered them in blankets, and tried to provide heat for them. Oscar and Otto tried to wake them up, but they were out cold. I was shaking, not from the cold, but from the thought that we might lose them. The snowfall was getting so bad now, you could hardly see ANYTHING! This HAD to be all a dream. A very bad dream. But for now, I needed to get them help. It was a hard process trying to get them back, and we decided to piggyback them, and we started back for the Arctic room door.
"Ms. O?" I yelled into my badge. "If you can hear me, we found the missing agents, and we are heading back to HQ. Please call an ambulance so that when we get back, they can immediately go to the hospital. Both agents are unconscious, and have severe cases of hypothermia. We're getting them back to headquarters as soon as possible. That's all for now. Update you in ten minutes."
I walked back over to Olympia and Otis. I did some tests on them before we all left. Apparently, Otis was actually WORSE than Olympia! I stopped for a minute, and realized that Otis gave Olympia medicine to help with her hypothermia, and Otis never got that. Olympia's temperature was holding at 49 now, but Otis's was taking a serious drop. By the time Otto took his temperature and now, it went down four degrees. I was getting very concerned for Otis, even more than Olympia now!
"Dr. O?" Otto asked me. "What's that?"
"That's the blizzard!!!" Oscar replied. "It's coming this way! Run!!!"
We tried running through the snow, but it was hopeless! With two other agents on our backs, we sank into the snow deeper and deeper with every step we took.
"We can't outrun this thing!" I said. "Be realistic! We need to make a shelter!"
"How?" Otto asked. "And out of what?"
We looked around, and I saw a hole in the snowy ground.
"Over there!" I shouted as we ran over to the hole. I slipped inside, and I was amazed at what I saw! It opened up into a huge ice and snow cave!
"Is there room for all of us?" Otto asked.
"Plenty!" I replied as Oscar and Olympia joined me below. We helped Otis get down, and Otto joined us shortly after. We made our way deeper and deeper into the cave, where we sat, hearts pounding, panting, watching our misty breath dissolve in the cold air.
"So now what do we do?" Oscar asked.
"We need to create body heat before WE get cold. Let's stand up and do some jumping jacks." After ten minutes, our sides were aching and we sat back down, exhausted.
"We need to warm up Otis and Olympia. If we don't get their blood circulating, no one will."
At that, our facial expressions went dark. We couldn't think of losing our newest agents! They were working out soooooo well! We sat them up with their backs against the cave wall, and we threw blankets over them. I got underneath the blanket with Olympia, and started creating some body heat for her while rubbing her frozen body as fast as I could. Since Otis was worse than Olympia by now at 47 degrees, both Oscar and Otto were doing the same thing as I was to Otis. We heard the raging winds above our little ice cave as they sped by. The temperature took a serious drop, to fifteen below actually, but thankfully with the blankets we were able to improve Olympia's temperature to 58 degrees. Otis on the other hand, well, he wasn't doing nearly as good. His temperature came down to 39 before we were able to increase his temperature. The blizzard went on for at least another hour, and after it was done, we were all extremely cold. Olympia was holding at 61, but Otis hardly even reached 45.
"We need to get out of here, and get these two help!" Otto said.
"I know." I replied.
"We have to make a whole in the top without it collapsing in on us! How will we do it, Dr. O?" Oscar asked.
"I'm a Doctor, not a construction worker!" I yelled, not knowing what else to say, or do. This wasn't my cup of tea, for sure. All I knew was that we needed to get them back. And as I always say, when there's a will there's a way. And I was going to find the way.
"Let's just try to find where the hole was before, and then maybe it will be easier." I suggested. We started looking around, but the hole we had before was completely sealed.
"It's probably going to collapse no matter what we do. We just need to work fast and get out of here!" Oscar reasoned. I agreed with him, we were already in this cave for two hours. We started digging a hole in the top of the ice cave. All of a sudden, everything went white, and I was laying on the icy floor.

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