Chapter Four - My Partner, a Villain✔

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"What?" Dr. O shouted. "You're not Odd Odysseus! You're Olympia!"

"Oh, no." I mumbled. "I know who Odd Odysseus is!"

"Who?" Asked Ms. O.

"Olympia was working on a book about life at Odd Squad. She hasn't stopped talking about it, or thinking about it, I guess. Odd Odysseus is the villain Olympia came up with."

"So now Olympia thinks she's a villain?" Ms. O inquired.

"Yep. And not only that, but Olympia told me that Odd Odysseus is the worst villain of all!"

"Wait, where is Olympia?" Dr. O questioned, realising that she was no longer in the room.

We looked all around, but she was gone. We ran outside of the donut room, and spotted Olympia running up the stairs to Ms. O's office!

"Catch her before she gets a hold of our top secret files!" Shouted Ms. O.

It was so weird chasing down my partner, a villain. I hoped that Dr. O could cure her. And fast! Ms. O ran up the stairs, but it was too late. Olympia locked herself in Ms. O's office, and was sitting in her chair, on the phone with Jamie Jam.

"Ms. O, what do we do?" I asked. Olympia was the villain she was writing about. Odd and Dangerous.

"I don't know." Ms. O admitted, sighing. She started down the stairs, but I caught up to her with an idea.

"Ms. O?"

"What?" She looked at me, frustrated.

"I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"Well, if Olympia thinks she's Odd Odysseus, then maybe she'll do what Odd Odysseus does in her book!"

"That's a great idea, Otis!"

We ran down the stairs to our desks. I looked all over our desks, but her book wasn't there. I opened up all of the file cabinets, and I pulled out a box.

"Is this it?" Ms. O asked.

"Yes, I think so. But she has a lock on it."

"What's the combination?" Ms. O asked.

"Olympia never told me." I sighed, frustrated at coming to a dead end.

But then, I remembered something. Olympia gave me a piece of paper with some weird scribbles on on it last week. I took it out of my pocket. Ms. O came over next to me and looked over my shoulder.

"What is it?" She asked.

"It's a piece of paper that Olympia gave me last week. I didn't know what it was for, but maybe it's a clue to figure out how to get inside the box."

I read it out loud.

"We've worked together for a year, now. I'm glad we are partners, we work well together. For many times I've said you remind me of an old upset man, but I hope you know we're good friends. I hope sometime you'll read my book!

"Why are some letters underlined, and some not?" Ms. O asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe if we write them all out, then things will start to make sense."

"Okay. Sounds good."

So we lined up the letters. onetwoFivenInefour.

"That's it!" I shouted. "The combination is one two five nine four!"

"But Otis, this isn't a number lock. It's letters."

I was stumped. I was sure that this was the clue.

"Wait!" Ms. O yelled. "Sometimes people use numbers to represent letters.

Like A stands for ONE, B stands for TWO, and so on."

We arranged the letters with the numbers and came up with a result.

"Okay. So the new combination is: A, B, E, I, D!"

When I read the letters off, Ms. O put the letters in the lock. Nothing.

"But, how is this wrong???!!!?!" I felt defeated.

"I don't know. But I know someone who can help."

"Noo, noo Ms. O please, not baby genius!!!"

"I wasn't talking about baby genius."

"Then who?" I glanced over to the doors by the tube lobby which were already opening. I will never understand Ms. O's perfect timing.

Apparently, Obfusco was terrific at solving riddles....

After some screaming and yelling, I calmed down and tried my hardest to work with him. Boy, is he confusing! We finally figured out that we had to start the alphabet and number pairing at Z instead of A.

The correct combination was Z, Y, V, Q, W. We quickly pulled out the lock and opened the box. Inside was a small pad of paper with a whole lot of words on it.

Chapter One!
"I'm Agent Olympia, and my partner, Otis, have been working together for a whole year! But the most dangerous villain of all would soon strike. This villain's name was Odd Odysseus. She was the smartest villain that ever was! She's a legend in her own time.... I need her autograph!! Never mind.. Anyways, some even say that she's smarter than Odd Todd! We've all hoped that nothing would ever become of her, but were we ever wrong! Odysseus was secretly gathering together villains from all over the world to plot the most odd scheme of all time. It would be the most devastating blow to the squad we've ever suffered. But as I always say, "There's a light at the end of the tunnel! Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack!" Oh, what's that, Mr. Librarian? Oh, I didn't know I was yelling... sorry! I know, right! When you're in the zone.. never mind. As I was saying, I wouldn't give up even if I had to throw a duck at Otis!"

(I shuddered when I read this. After regaining my composure, I continued reading.)

"Meanwhile, Odd Odysseus was still unknown to Odd Squad, but not for long. She was about to finish her plan, yet she needed one more piece for her puzzle. OTTO AND OLIVE. She figured that if she had two head honchos, she could negotiate her way inside of headquarters!"

""Wait, does this mean that Olympia is going to kidnap Olive and Otto??"

Ms. O asked. She was very nervous.

"I don't think so. Since Olympia is already inside of headquarters, she won't need to get Olive and Otto."

"Well, we don't really have any info on what Olympia's going to do next. Read on, Otis!"

"I can't. The next pages are ripped out."

Odd Squad V.S. The Laser Chickens (Completed) ·|Watty's2017|·Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin