Chapter Ten - Great Escapes and Terrible Predicaments ✔

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"Good morning, sunshine!" Odd Todd greeted me.
"Mmuhhmmuuhhh!" I yelled.
"Decide to make a bed out of your chair?" He asked as he readjusted it. It felt good to feel my blood circulating again. He took off the necktie.
"What is it that you asked me?"
"I said what do you want from me?"
"Insurance." Todd replied. "As long as you are with us, and in such a terrible state, we will most certainly get what we want."
"What do you want?"
"Oddness!! Control!! Total power. Respect! And Odd Squad has been preventing that from me for almost a century. No, not anymore. Not me! I will crush you and your precious little Squad into itty bitty pieces. But, I mean, I'm still human so, we'll feed you. Not saying you'll get a banquet, but we still want you in presentable condition when we trade you."
He gave me a piece of bread. Seriously? He wouldn't untie my arms, so he fed me. I felt like such a baby!
"Let's get down to business. I need you for insurance. I know that Olympia is posing as Odd Odysseus. I'm informing the others shortly, and we'll clear Odysseus's record. Forever. I'm not going to tell you anything else, so I guess you don't either."
He retied the necktie around my mouth, even tighter than the last time. He left me with a good bye punch that knocked me out. Right in the eye. Even though there was no mirror, I could tell I had a black eye. It hurt soo bad! Everywhere hurt. My broken finger, fractured wrist, head, split lip, and uncirculated wrists, I didn't know how much more of this I could take. The rest of the day, I was completely alone. It felt horrifying to be completely isolated from civilization. I longed for an ice cold lemonade. I wanted Dr. O to tend to my wounds and injuries. It was so hard to be strong. That night was terrible. Odd Todd was on my badge phone with Ms. O. Apparently, Olympia had already taken every one of our gadgets. So they couldn't give Todd any of our gadgets. That meant that I would be in Todd's captivity forever! I couldn't think of that. So that night when Todd had already announced to me that they would be taking me away in the morning, I knew I needed to do something. So, in the pitch black darkness, I tried loosening the ropes. Then, I remembered my Odd Squad training. If you squeeze your hands in really tight fists, you'll grow blade nails! I started squeezing and almost screamed. I forgot that I broke my finger. I bucked up, and squeezed my fists even though I was in extreme pain. After about thirty seconds, I felt the blades protruding from my nails. I sawed through the ropes, and my hands were free! I untied my waist, and feet. I lie down on the floor, exhausted from working in the night. I still needed to unlock the hand cuffs! I was beginning to run out of ideas! Then, a thought occurred to me. If I could pick the lock with my fingers... yes! That might work! I tried with my good hand, and I was successful! After I unlocked myself, I picked the lock on the door. I slowly opened up the door, and tiptoed quickly and quietly through the hallways. I opened the door to the warehouse, and ran into the darkness. It was hard to run back with no shoes on, but I had no intentions of getting caught. I finally spotted headquarters. I ran to the doors, and reached for the door handles. I never walked into the tube lobby filled with such relief!!
"Otis!!" Shouted O'Malley. "What? How?"
"Where's Ms. O?" I asked. "I need to talk with her. It's extremely important!!"
"She's with Dr. O! They're discussing how to start looking for you! How did you do it?"
"It wasn't easy. You can be sure of that. I'm starving! What are they serving at the cafeteria?"
"It's Friday, so they're serving hotdogs!"
"Hot diggety dog!" I said as I walked through the tube lobby doors, I spotted Dr. O's office. I ran for it.
"Ms. O!" I shouted full of joy. She had her face buried in her hands.
"Uhh, I'm hearing Otis' voice. I can't believe that that happened." Ms. O groaned.
"I know. Me too." Dr. O said. She too had her face buried in her hands.
"You're not hearing things!! It's me! Look up!" I shouted.
They unburied their faces, and their expressions changed drastically. "Otis!" They both shouted as they ran up to me and hugged me for a long time. I winced at the pain from them squeezing my rope burns, but it felt good to be back.
"Otis, how did you get back?" Ms. O asked.
"It was a long process, but I do know something."
"I want an ice cold lemonade and a hot dog! I haven't eaten since Wednesday night!"
"Otis, what happened to you? You took some serious blows from Todd, didn't you?" Dr. O asked.
"Yes, I did. He knocked me out with a punch yesterday. I need a steak for my eye. Also, I think I broke my finger, and I messed up my shoulder, split my lip open, and did something to my head when I fell on it on the concrete... I might need some medical attention, Dr. O."
"I know. Come with me."
After an hour or so, and a lot of wincing, Dr. O fixed me up. I looked like a mess! I had ripped socks, no shoes, dirt covered shirt, blood stained necktie, blood stained face, and a black, purple, and blue eye. I was so glad to get a suit and red converse shoes again. I was unable to move my left hand at all! It looked like a mummy.
"Oh, Ms. O?" I asked.
"Yes?" She replied.
"Where's Olympia?"
"She left to meet with Odd Todd. We thought it might be a good chance for us to find your location. Why?"
"Oh no! If Olympia gets caught with Odd Todd, I might not see Olympia again!!"

Odd Squad V.S. The Laser Chickens (Completed) ·|Watty's2017|·Where stories live. Discover now