Chapter Twenty-Two

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Three Months Later

Graduation. It was finally the day no longer did I have to go to this hell hole of a high school. "Hey babe." Scott said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Hey." I smiled. "You ready to get this over with?" I shook my head. "You know it. I can't wait to get out of this town." Now don't get me wrong I am sad that I'll be leaving my family in a few weeks to go off to college but I wanted to get out of this town as fast as I could. Scott and Kim were going to the same college as I am. We couldn't stand the thought of being away from each other. Especially Scott and I. "A few more weeks and we will be roommates." Kim exclaimed as she walked into the room I laughed and hugged her. "Guys this is it. We are about to graduate. We are officially adults." Kim said looking at Scott and I. "Please Scott is never gonna be an actual adult. He will always be a kid at heart." I said and Kim busted out laughing while Scott just shook his head. "This is why I love you." Kim said laughing. "Okay Ladies and Gentleman we start in five." The Principal of the school said. I took a deep breath and kissed Scott on the cheek. They starting calling names by names and my heart started to race. "Babe?" I looked at Scott. "Kim's right...This is it. What happens now?" I asked sitting down. "We move on with our lives. We go to college and then sometime along the line we get married and start a family. We...grow up." He said pulling me into his arms. "Okay." I sighed and smiled. They called Kim's name and Scott kissed me on the forehead as they called his and he walked out. I took a few deep breaths and then they called my name. I closed my eyes and walked onto the stage. My whole family was sitting in the back row and you could hear them from a mile away as they screamed my name. I smiled and grabbed my diploma and walked off stage. Scott grabbed my hand and kissed me, "We are graduate's." I whispered looking him in the eyes. He smiled and kissed me once more. "Yes we are babe." I buried my head in his chest. "Guys we have to get going! Mom and dad are throwing us a graduation party." Kim yelled pulling me away from Scott. "Kim bring my Wife back!" Scott yelled and I swear my heart leaped out of my chest. I looked back at him and he was smiling. "I like the sound of that." I said making his smile get bigger. "Well get used to Mrs. Blake I'm gonna be calling you it a lot more very soon." I smiled and Kim stopped. "You know I really need to get me a boyfriend." I busted out laughing as Scott's face went from smiling to scowling. "I'll kill him." I shook my head. "You will not. If he makes her happy you won't." He looked at me. "Okay let me rephrase that. If he hurts her then I'll kill him." I smiled and shook my head. "You are something else baby." He kissed my forehead. "Hey you agreed to marry me so." I laughed and kissed him on the lips. "Yes I did and it was the best decision I have ever made." He kissed me once more and we looked at Kim and she was just standing there awkwardly waiting for us. "Sorry Kim." Scott and I said at the same time. "Oh great now ya'll are speaking at the same time. You guys make me want to puke sometimes." Kim groaned as she walked away. I looked up at Scott and he had a big grin spread across his face. "What?" I asked and he just shook his head and walked away. "Scott!" I yelled and I heard him start to laugh as I ran up beside him.

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