Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

When i pulled up to the apartment i ran inside and slid down the door and started crying i hated myself for falling for all the bull-crap he told me it was all a lie he doesn't care he just wanted to use me like all the other girls in that school. My phone kept going off and i knew it was Scott so i ignored it. I looked at the text and it said carter baby please just talk to me i need to know where you are and if your okay nothing happened between me and Mia i swear i was just pissed off so i wanted to piss you off i know that,s so stupid for me to do that but i wasn't thinking please just call me or something i need to know your okay. Tears fell down my face as i re-read the text over and over i was so confused did he really mean everything he said did he really care about me. I shook my head and texted him back

I'm fine you don't care anyways just leave me alone

Scott: No i wont leave you alone and i do care about you what i said yesterday was all true i only want you

Me: Scott just stop lying you won everybody thinks you got with me go party or something

Scott: i am not going to party and i didn't win if i lost you i told you i called off the bet now can you tell me where you are i am driving around looking for you everywhere your not at your house and Kim says she doesn't know where you are and i am worried and i want to talk about this face to face so please just tell me where you're at. I couldn't help to smile at that and i agreed we needed to talk face to face so i texted him the address and he said he would be here in thirty minutes. A knock came at my door and i slowly opened it and was instantly pulled into strong arms. "carter why are you here" he asked. "This is my apartment my dad bought me he wanted me out and now i am out" i said not realizing what i said till it was to late. He looked at me and his face filled with sadness, "Don't feel sorry for me Scott or i will kick you out as fast as my dad did to me'' i yelled, god i wish i could stop talking about my dad. "Baby i am just glad your okay..." "Don't do that Scott you don't get to call me baby not after what you did." Td you i didn't know what mark and Mia was doing"he said sounding irritated. "Not that its the fact that you hooked up with Mia you cheated on me" i yelled, I didn't hook up with her i told you that i know i am a complete ass but i would never cheat on you he said his voice getting louder, " How do you expect me to believe that Scott all you have done since i met you was lie" i said tears falling down my face. "Lie i have told you the truth about everything carter". "Oh really was you going to tell me about the bet if Kim didn't tell me would you have told me Scott or the girl you hooked up with that night after we kissed" i yelled. " I-i.... No i wouldn't have" he admitted. I looked at him and sighed "just get out Scott we're done i cant do this anymore". His head shot up and he stepped forward "don't say that carter i don't want us to be over" He said and went to grab my hand but i backed up, ''get out Scott please don't make this harder than it has to be" i begged i couldn't take being in the same room with him anymore. I looked at him and his eyes was glossy i knew my eyes was the same "please Scott just leave" i cried and wiped the tears off my cheeks. He didn't say anything he just kissed my cheek and left. I fell to my knees and started crying "why am i so stupid" i whispered to myself as i slowly got off the ground. My phone went off and i grabbed it and i clicked read now and wish i didn't because it said 

Scott: i will get you back carter. 

I broke down again i threw my phone across the room and i heard it shatter and i didn't care i just went up to my room and fell on my bed and closed my eyes falling asleep with tears falling down my face. I couldn't believe this i was crying myself to sleep over a guy that i barely knew but i missed him and his touch.

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