Reaching Out

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Its been 4 weeks since Jordan and Cooper have been taken. Im healed now so i can finally walk and fight on my own. I've been staying with ash and we've become close. He takes care of me no matter how stubborn i get. Im family to the whole gang so i have more family then i thought id ever get to be so lucky to have. Ash is great.I really like being around him. He makes me laugh and smile whenever i get down or angry. I still wonder where Cooper and Jordan are. Im worried about them but what if i ask Ash for help and he denies?

I walked out of my room and down stairs. I had my hair in a messy bun and i had a t shirt and shorts on. I went into the kitchen to eat and surprisingly no one was here. I grabbed an apple and bottle of water and went back to my room. I might go out shopping later since i havent gone since ive been fully healed. I finished my apple and drank my water. I went to my closet and grabbed a t shirt that said dream on and shorts that were black. i already took a shower earlier so i put the clothes on and slipped my converse on me feet and grabbed my walet. I was about to walk out when ash came into the room.

"Hey.Where are you going?"he asked

"To the mall so i can buy a few things"i said

"Do you want me to go with you"he asked but i knew when he asked that he meant he was going no matter what.

"Sure"i said.

we walked outside and got in his car. He drove off and we were at the mall in no time.

we walked into the mall and it was packed. I walked down the halls looking for a store i like. I saw one and walked in. 

I looked through the shoe rack and i heard ash chuckle. I looked up at him and glared.

"What?"i asked

"You just look so focused"he said laughing

i rolled my eyes and looked at the shoe rack again. I was about to grab a pair of shoes but someone grabbed them i looked up to see the person was ash

"Give me those!"i whined.

"No"he said

"Ash seriously give me them"i said

"hmm nope"he said

he was getting on my nerves. He then put em up to high for me to reach and i wasnt about to look like a damn fool in a store in the mall. i just shoved him and went to another isle. i was looking at shoes again and i was so close to grabbing a pair of converse but he took them and put them behind his back

"Ash please stop"i said and pouted

"You know that pout doesnt work on me."He said

i just walked out of the store. "I wish i came alone i mumbled but ash heard it of course and grabbed my wrist and turned me to him

"Why? your not having fun?"he said taunting me

"No Ash Im Not"i said done with him playing around

i turned and started to walk and he followed. I walked into a clothing store. There was so many to chose from and knowing me i walked straight to the back of the store where the leggings were. I was looking at them when i felt eyes on me but i knew they werent ashs cause he was right next to me. I looked around but saw noone. Ash noticed. Great

"You okay?"he asked

"yeah...i just felt like someone was watching me"i said

"dont worry im here"he said protectively.

i couldnt help but smile. i looked back to where the leggings were. there were tons but none i liked. I looked through the store but still saw nothing i wanted. i heard a thud from the rack behind me ash didnt hear it but i sure did, i walked around the rack and saw a small box that had my full name on it. i picked it up and ash came behind me. 

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