Seth Encounter

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I couldnt hear anything. It was like it was silent. A light was on but once i opened my eyes i quickly shut them cause the light was to bright. After a few minutes i opened them all the way. I looked around but didnt see anything. not anyone just a chair tv fridge bathroom and bed that i was laying on. I sat up but it hurt really bad when i did. 

"What happened?Where am i?" i thought but i guess i was thinking out loud cause i turn to see ash right next to me asleep. It was cute but i got a fiance i cant like someone else. I saw him waking up so i kinda slid away from him but i screeched in pain and he hopped up to see me trying to slide away.

"Dont move your hurt. I promise im not gonna hurt you"he said really fast making me believe him

"What happened? Where am i?"i asked

"Some guy came out to get you you yelled seth me and the boys ran to see what was going on and i saw you slid away and then the guy was in your face and you had your eyes closed and something didnt feel right so the boys got rid of him and i brought you here."He said.

"What about jay? wheres jay? is she alright?"i asked in a panic.

"Shes fine she in her bed at home safe and sound. you can call if you dont believe me"he said looking at me passin me the phone.

i thought for a moment. He did save me from seth so maybe i should trust him.

"No. i believe you."i said

he put the phone on the stand.

"where am i and why do i hurt so much?"i asked

"your at my gang house. everyone knows your here. your safe as for how you feel. you got shot before i could grab you. you were bleeding pretty bad but i fixed you up"he said smiling at me

"Why?"i asked

"Why what?"he asked

"why did you save me? you could of let seth kill me but why didnt you?"i asked

"because you dont deserve to die. a pretty face like yours and a badass fighter shouldnt die like that."he said smiling at me

"Thanks."i said

"Can you tell me who Seth is? Maybe i could protect you if i knew why he hurt you."he asked i looked in his eyes. he was really worried.

"Seth is someone whos trying to hurt me and my friends. Hes already killed my brother and my father. He has my mom."i started to cry and he came and held my hand trying to comfort me.

"im sorry that happened"he said

"I didnt even get to know my parents because Seth took them from me. All i had was my brother Chase and now hes gone. He taught me how to do everything. He was my rock. Seth is trying to come after me and Cooper. Hes gonna tourture me hes gonna get me at some point hes going to take me and Cooper."i said crying. He wiped the tears off my face and i couldnt help but feel my heart skip a beat. Nope this aint gonna happen. Not now.

"Dont Worry Flower. Well protect you. Ill protect you."he said

for once i actually smiled at him. that was really sweet.

"Seth is ruthless how are you going to protect me?"i asked

"Im not alone. I have my gang. Look no one is going to hurt you.I wont let that happen. I promise."he said

"Thank you"i said

"your welcome"he said

i smiled at him.

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