Visiting Chase(8)

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Me and Cooper were heading outside. I guess everyone was dead asleep except us. We walked outside to Coopers car. He opened the door so i could get in he shut it once i was in the car then he did the same for his. I buckled up and looked over at Cooper.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Howd i get lucky enough to have met you?"i said smiling.

"I could ask you the same question."He said.

We both looked at each other and smiled. Cooper turned the car on pulled out and drove off. it took us a bit to get there but we got there safe and sound. We got out of the car and walked around till we save CHASE ADAM SMITH on a head stone. I walked right up to it and sat down in front of it. 

"Hey Chase. So much has happened since youve been gone. "

"Ill let you have some privacy"Cooper said.


"Mom and Dad are the same. They never came to your funeral. i had to plan it. Since youve been gone it feels like a part of me is missing. Mom made me stay with aunti fareah. She didnt want to deal with me crying. Harsh right? I met this guy named Rylan. We dated and at first it was good but then he changed he hit me and yelled at me usually for nothing. i know wht youd say if you were physically here. Ill beat his ass no one touches my little sister like that (i laugh) i kept your jacket. im wearing it now. i found it at the beach house in my room in the closet. when rylan asked about you i didnt wanna talk about it cause it hurt so much and he didnt understand that and that was the first time he hit me. i got into street fighting. im actually pretty good. i always win. i barely get a scatch on me. i have a friend named alex there. one time i spent the weekend with rylan at the beach house. i got a call from alex about a fight that i could be in tonight but i told him no im with rylan and he told me to be careful. i ended the call and turned around rylan was right there furious i told him it was jordan but he saw right through me he asked who it really was and i told him its none of his buisness he through me against the brick wall and asked again i said the same thing i ran into the bathroom and shut the door he pounded down the door and grabbed me by the neck chocking me. he asked me again and again but i told him the same thing my sight was getting blurry he smashed my head on the sink and the sink shattered i was on the floor bleeding out i knocked out uncounsious i woke up with Alex shaking me telling me to wake up he took me to the arena and cleaned me up and stitched me up then called the doctor to see if i got an concusion i didnt thank god.I race now. i almost win everytime. i got into a bad car crash. it was kinda like yours but not as bad it was only two cars against me. when i crashed was when i went over the finish line. I was stuck in the car cause my seatbelt wouldnt come off.Thats when I met this guy named cooper. He helped me out. I was beat pretty bad. the ambulance was taking forever to come so Cooper took me instead and all my friends and his followed. He carried me into the emergancy room they had to stay in the waiting room while the doctors and nurses cleaned me up. i had broken ribs i was cut i sprained my wrist. after they were done they let everyone in and Cooper was the first in. then not much after Rylan came in which kinda scared me but being near Cooper gave me the confidence to stand up to rylan kinda how you gave me confidence bubba. I stood up to him and he hit me punched me and then Cooper And his two friends made him stop Cooper caught me before i could completely fall i broke up with rylan and Cooper sat me on the bed and a few minutes later the doctor came in and rylan was gone. those few months my friends took care of me Cooper was always around me. I got taken after this race i won it was dangerous but the guy was asking for it. after the race everyone left except my friends cooper and his. This guy named rick took me. he tourtured me for a week. he was goona kill me but Cooper got there just in time. Im good with a gun and my fist.(i laugh) Im pretty bad ass. huh chase? I miss you so much. I wish you were still here. I wish you could meet Cooper. Yeah hes in a gang bubba but hes protective of me hes there when i just need a shoulder to cry on. I just know youd approve of him. Youd like him bubba. I told him what happened to you and what my flash back was about earlier. Hes my boyfriend now bubba. I love him. He told me he loves me to and i believe him. I really miss you Chase. I won a dance championship. It was amazing. I wish you could of seen it. I know that youd be proud of how im turning my life around if you were here. I never really did let you go and i dont think i ever will be able to."

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