The Dangerous Car Race Part Two(5)

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I stood there with my friends congratulating me on my win. I was distracted but then i looked around and saw no one. It was only us. Thats weird. 

I looked back at my friends and then heard a gunshot. I looked up and saw the scariest guy i've ever seen what does he want?

"Long time no see Cooper.How's it been?" A voice said.

"Worse now that you'r here" Cooper said.

Cooper was tense now and so were Lucas and Nate.the  boys were in front of everyone holding the girls back but cooper he put me beside him.

"Who this Beautiful lady?"

"why dont you just leave?"Nate said

"Leave us alone"Cooper demanded

"Come on. We're family"

"No rick were not"

"What is your name sweetie"

i got out of coopers grip...surprisingly.

"It's Honey."i said confidently

"Honey? What a beautiful name."

"Thanks but who are you and what do you want"i said

"Cooper hasn't told you yet?"

"Told me what?"i said confused

"Maybe i should let him tell you. I wanna meet all you beautiful ladies all three of you; come closer"

"Honey dont" Lucas yelled.

me and the girls walked towards him.

 I will protect my family no matter what and this is my family.

"were here what do you want?"

he just looked at us and then i saw other men coming here to surround us and this stranger rick.

"Guys its a trap!"Jordan yelled

"Shut up."a man said

rick grabbed me and put a gun to my head.the other men did the same to Jordan and Kate

"No wait! no!" Cooper said.

"Yes Cooper?"

"Please tell me what you want just don't harm them."

"Oh you know once i make up my mind i never change it." He said.

what is happening?

"Rick! What Do You Want" Nate yelled.

"Oh precious nate i don't want nothing from any of you. I would like to see my cousin though."

"I don't want to see you"Cooper said

"Oh i think you do you see if i don't see you again within a week you won't see your precious Honey Smith  Katlyn Dully or Jordan Perez Again"

"Wait how do you know our name?"I asked

"in do time"Rick said

"Cooper!"I yelled

"Nate!" Jordan yelled

"Lucas!" Kate yelled

"Honey!"Cooper yelled

"Kate"Lucas yelled

"Jordan!"Nate yelled

i started to cry as he took me away.

"We will find you we will."

"Cooper!"i yelled

"Honey! I -

i couldn't hear what he said. All i heard was honey i. What was he trying to tell me?

I looked out the window and saw him Lucas and Nate running to the car but couldn't catch up. Why is this happening to us?

3 days later

Heres your food.

Please let us go

after your food rick wants to see you.All of you.

we all sat on my bed none of us didn't dare eat. what if he poisoned the food? at least we got water. after awhile i heard the door open and 2 men in  black suits dragged us out and brought us to Rick. He put a cloth to our noses and made us smell it. we was out cold. When i woke up i noticed chain hanging me jordan and kate up. 

after i woke up then jordan and kate did.

"Where are we?"Kate asked.

What does he want?"jordan asked

"I have no clue but more importantly What does he have planned for us."i said

"Hello girls.Now i have to ask you questions and i want you to answer them honestly or there will be concequences. Do you understand?"

we all noded our heads. 

i'm to scared to argue.

im guessing the girls are to.

"What do you know about Cooper's Gang"

"Gand what gang?"Jordan asked

he slapped her hard.

"Dont hurt her!"i screamed out

"I will and ill do the same to all of you if i have to"Rick said

"Answer!"Rick yelled

"He's not in a gang"Kate said

"yes he is"rick snapped

he punched her in the stomach.

"Who's the leader of his crew?"

"i don't know what your talking about. I didn't know he was in a gang"i said calmly.

" Cooper loves you. He cares for you. He did tell you."Rick screamed

i felt a knife slide across my stomach. I screamed in pain. they didn't cover my mouth or anything.

"please stop"kate said

"dont hurt her"jordan said

"This could go any way. You tell me about his gang and i won't hurt you but if you don't tell me the truth i will hurt you. it's your choice."

"Please stop"I said

a knife went across my cheek slowly.

"Okay we're done for today leave them in here so they can choose what they wants. to live or to die."

He left and we fell to the ground in the dark. This is it. This is the end. we will never see our loved ones again. I will never get to tell Cooper I Love Him. we will never go to college. we will never get married and have kids. Ill never get to race again or fight again. we wont get to go to prom. we wont even finish school. There is so much things we wanted to do in life and now we cant because were going to die in here. I'm bleeding out right now. we all are in pain. Why did this happen to us? What does he want with Cooper? Is Cooper really in a gang? What about Lucas and Nate? There's so many questions i want answers to in my mind right now.

Is this really the end for us??

                                                                  The End For Honey,Kate,And Jordan?

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