Who's Chase?(7)

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We drove to the beach house and parked our cars. To be honest the beach house looked like a mansion with a lake. It was nice. 

we walked up to the door and i unlocked it and we all went inside.

"Isreal come with me ill show you your room"i said.

she followed me into the last bedroom downstairs.

"You have a bathroom a big bed there's extra blankets if you want them there's towels in there. if you want to sleep now you can"i stated.

"yes that would be nice thank you"she said

"ill be out there with everyone else if you need me"i said as i walked out the door and closed it.

i walked back to where everyone was.

"Its looks just like how we left it when we were 15 and running from your parents Honey"Jordan said.

"Our parents to be exact"i said

"i remember all the times we would come here to get away"Kate said.

"I remember when you ran from Rylan that first time and when he found out-"kate said as jordan interrupted her.

"KATE!"Jordan yelled

"Sorry Honey."kate said.

"Its okay. i just hope he doesnt come here."i said.

"he does know where this place is"Jordan says.

"He does?"kate asked

"Jordan!" i said angry.

"Oops. Sorry."Jordan said innocently.

"You told Jordan but not me?"Kate said.

"Guys can you excuse us? thanks"I said.

I walked me and the girls outside away from everyone else.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kate asked.

"i'm about to if you'd just shut up."


"it was a year ago. Me and him had been good for two weeks so we came here and spent the night. My parents thought i was at jordans but i was here with Rylan alone. We were listening to music watching movies and had s'mores. that lasted for two days. I got a call from Alex saying there was a fight and he asked where i was when i told him i cant cause i rarely say no to fights. i told him at the beach house but i didn't say who cause i didn't want him to freak when i hung up i turned around and Rylan was right there looking angry. He said who was that on the phone i knew he was gonna be pissed if i told him it was alex so i said it was jordan just checking up but he saw right through me and when i went to walk away he grabbed my wrist really hard. he started to scream who the fuck was that why were you lying to me so i told him it was alex and he threw me against the brick wall. he walked towards me and said what did he want. i said none of your business and ran to the bathroom i shut the door and not a second later he beat the door down and was in my face chocking me. he said what did he want and i said none of your business he asked me once more and i said the same thing i lost to much breath i started to get blurry vision.he banged my head on the sink making the sink break into pieces and left the house once he left i was on the ground unconscious i blacked out. I woke up with alex trying to wake me up. he kept yelling my name telling me to stay alive. he brought me to the arena and him and the boys cleaned me up stitched me up and then they called the doctor to check if i had any concussion. i didn't but they said i needed to have a lot of rest. alex and the boys fixed the damage at the beach house for me. i stayed at alex's house for a few weeks jordan brought me my work that i missed and helped me with it. we didn't tell you cause i knew you'd freak"

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