I touched my face, which had been left mostly unscathed. A faint scar on my temple was the only evidence that a bullet had gone through there. My body was good at prioritising. It would likely put the most energy into fixing the most threatening things first, before moving onto more superficial injuries.

Satisfied for now, I searched through the bag to find something more appropriate to wear for the day. I didn't want to face the public in what were basically pyjamas. I was pleased to find that there were also some male clothes for Jamie in the bag.

Before I dressed I quickly used the shower. It was little more than a box with a small shower head in the top and a drain in the bottom. It would have been freezing for a human but I enjoyed it. There was even shampoo which I used to quickly wash my hair. I felt much more alive afterwards.

When I was done I went back into the main room to dry and get dressed. After pulling on a pair of dark jeans I picked up a dark purple shirt. Behind me Jamie sighed and rolled over before quickly sitting up. "Jade?" His voice was alarmed.

"Right here." I reassured him.

His eyes found me and he smiled, but then they narrowed dangerously in anger. I realised he could see my damaged ribs. Without comment I pulled the shirt on to cover them. He noted my still damp hair.

"You showered?" He asked.

I nodded, as I moved to sit back on the bed. "It made me feel a bit better."

His fingers brushed my cheek. "I'm glad. You look better."

Laying my hand over his, I smiled. "Is it strange for you..." I hesitated, anxious. "Now we are together again after all the time we spent just in each other's minds?" I had noted that he had not tried to reach out to me in that way since we were reunited.

His confused expression turned to understanding and he pulled me onto his lap. "No, I don't find it strange." He reassured me. "I... well mostly I was trying to give you a bit of privacy to deal with everything, but also..."

"Also?" I prompted.

"Well, I was a little worried..." He analysed my perplexed expression before continuing. "I know before all of this, you were always very private about your thoughts and feelings. I didn't want you to feel like I was... intruding, now that we have other ways to communicate."

"That's it?" I said, relieved.

"Yes." It was his turn to be anxious. "What did you think it was?"

If it was possible for me to blush I might have. "Well... I was just kind of worried... I am still waiting for something I do to be too horrible, too monstrous for you."

His laugh startled me. "You thought you were too scary for me?"

"Well... I wouldn't put it that way exactly." I was defensive.

He laughed again and kissed me softly. "You're not scary." His voice was in my head now.

I felt a flicker of my old mischievousness, "Are you sure about that?" I thought back as I leaned in to deepen the kiss, inhaling his scent. The hunger rose but I pushed it down, still in control. In a flash that made his eyes widen I was on top of him, pinning him down.

"Ok, I think you are very scary." I could tell he wasn't serious; his thoughts were straying to other areas....

I growled and kissed him again until he had to pull away to gasp for air. I smirked at him and leaned in to kiss down his neck instead. He groaned, "Jade you need to stop." His hands were in my hair.

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