Chapter 38: A Plan of Action

Start from the beginning

"And make sure not to act scared or nervous. When you ask him for the information, be confident and like you won't change your mind," Abby advised. "That way, Shredder won't look at you as just some girl he can scare our location out of; you have to seem as if you think this is a small object in return for us, and you will not change your mind."

Dalilah listened closely, nodding when Abby finished. "Got it. Do I go back...right now?"

Leonardo exchanged a look with Donatello before the purple-masked turtle replied, "That's our best bet. They'll be the least suspicious if we initiate this plan now, because you'll have had time to attempt an escape. Going along with this story, you pretended to come to our side and then escaped when we were training."

"Ok," Dalilah breathed. "I'm ready."


The turtles brought Dalilah to a manhole a few blocks away from Shredder's lair, and while Dalilah wasn't familiar with the city's layout, she could see the tall building towering in the distance.

Once the turtles lifted the manhole for her and allowed her to 'escape' the sewers, she gave a small wave before sprinting full-speed towards her former clan's base.

She arrived at the door just as Bradford and Xever rounded the corner, walking briskly. Dalilah bent over to catch her breath, panting from her run.

"Dalilah!" Bradford exclaimed. "Where did you come from?"

Dalilah sat down on one of the steps that led to the door, still breathing heavily. "The turtles got me and tried to convince Master Shredder was the bad guy," she managed to respond. "I got them to think I believed them, and when they went into their dojo with the giant rat, I escaped."

"Did you hurt any of them?" Xever interrogated. Dalilah shook her head.

"I was weaponless, and I didn't want to risk it. I've only been training for a little," she explained, not gasping for breath anymore. Bradford gestured for her to follow him inside, and the three walked down the familiar hallways.

"I can't believe you managed to find your way out," Bradford complimented. "Would you be able to lead us back to their home?"

Dalilah racked her mind for something to say. "Uh...I dunno...I kinda just ran in all different directions until I found an area that led up to the streets."

Bradford looked disappointed, but Dalilah couldn't tell if it was because of her failure to deliver or because they wouldn't be turtle-hunting any time soon.

"But they did tell me where one of their hideouts are," Dalilah added with a forced smirk.

"They did?" Xever growled. He shot a look at Bradford. "The turtles are not stupid. They would not simply give her this location. It might be a trap. Where did they say?"

Dalilah shifted uncomfortably. This isn't part of the plan! "I'd actually like to tell Master Shredder, first."

Bradford studied her for a moment, his yellow eyes glowing against his black, skeletal mutant body.

"Very well."

Dalilah gave a light smile, bowing her head as a sign of respect.


"Bradford tells me you have information on the turtles' whereabouts."

Dalilah kneeled before the Shredder, keeping her eyes trained on the ground as she mentally prepared herself for what she was about to say.

"Yes, Master," she answered simply. Oroku Saki leaned forward in his chair.

"Tell me."

Dalilah subtly swallowed, saying, "I ask for one thing first, Master." Shredder's eyes flashed with anger, but he didn't respond like Dalilah thought he would.

"What is it that you desire?" Oroku Saki questioned.

"I lived with the Kraang my entire life, and I don't know anything about who I am. I hoped you could convince the Kraang to give you the information they have on me," she requested confidently. "They surely won't give it to one of their test subjects."

The Shredder was silent. He stared at Dalilah, watching her, trying to decipher her body language into the truth or a lie. She gave nothing away. There was no point in trying to torture the answer of out her; she was giving him an easy way to get the information he needed. Even if it was a trap by the turtles, this action would build Dalilah's respect for Shredder.

"I will get you the files," he agreed. "And when I do, you will show this location to two of my new recruits."

Dalilah's heart skipped a beat; the turtles, their friends, and Dalilah herself had all assumed Rhazaar and Fishface would be joining her.

"Thank you, Master. Who will be accompanying me, exactly?" Dalilah hesitantly pried.

"Their names are Kayla and Sarah," Oroku Saki replied, a smirk spreading across his face as Dalilah resisted the urge to gasp. Those are the turtles' friends! "The turtles will be in for a treat if this is one of their tricks."


GUYSGUYSGUYS 3K READS?! WHAT?!?!1?!1?1!1?!1 THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! All the support on this story is truly amazing. I know this isn't the best TMNT fanfic ever but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the love. <3


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