Chapter 7

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Maeryn plucked the withered leaves from a flowering plant, trying her best to stay busy and keep her mind distracted. But it didn't seem to be helping much. Her stomach was still tied in knots. And she hadn't been able to eat anything all day. It was now the second day since Adair had disappeared, and what she had thought was just another routine absence was beginning to feel like something more ominous.

Years ago, Adair had the garden built as a gift to Maeryn, following the customs of her ancestors. Trimmed trees and shrubs dotted the landscape, separated by rings of brightly colored flowers. The north end of this secluded paradise was open to the hilltop courtyard, containing stables, soldiers' housing, and various other structures, all surrounded by a pale stone wall.

As the orange rays of the setting sun made their way into the silent garden, the peace was suddenly disturbed by a commotion from the courtyard. Maeryn rose from her seat on a low stone wall just as a group of soldiers ran past the gate to the courtyard. The startling sight was followed quickly by another figure standing at the base of the steps outside the gate.

"Thaddius?" Maeryn called out.

The commissioner turned suddenly. "Governess," he replied. The usual kindness was gone from his eyes, and he looked almost panicked.

"Thaddius, what's happening?"

The Commissioner came quickly up the steps and into the garden. "Do you know where Adair has gone?"

Maeryn's heart suddenly pounded violently inside her chest. "No. He never tells me what he's doing. I thought you would—"

"No," Thaddius answered quickly, glancing around the garden. "He left word for me yesterday morning that he would gone for the day, but I haven't heard from him since."

Maeryn suddenly felt dizzy and had to sit back down to keep from falling over.

"Commissioner!" someone called from the courtyard.

Thaddius turned and walked a few steps away while Maeryn shielded her eyes from the sunlight and tried to breath steadily. The words of the soldier nearby seemed to drift to her ears as if from long distance.

"The records at the docks indicate he took one of our smallest vessels and sailed yesterday morning. He had a minimal crew and only enough provisions for the day."

Maeryn looked up suddenly.

Thaddius was staring at the ground with a hand on his bearded chin.

"Where did he go?" she called across the garden.

"Nucotu?" the soldier asked Thaddius in a hushed tone.

The commissioner nodded. "It's a two day journey. I can't think of anywhere else."

"Where did he go?" Maeryn repeated, louder this time. Her anger at being left out of the conversation was beginning to show.

Thaddius turned slowly toward Maeryn, though his eyes were still fixed on the ground. "Send a vessel to Nucotu," he said finally. Then he looked up at the soldier. "Make sure they take horses and supplies. If the governor is not found, they'll need to continue north and send a messenger to Leoran to notify the council."

The soldier nodded and walked briskly out of the garden.

"Thaddius?" Maeryn pleaded as she walked toward him.

The commissioner now looked her in the eyes. "Let's just see what they find in Nucotu." His voice was calm, but his eyes betrayed the depth of his concern.

* * * *

Saba waded carefully through the knee-deep water of a stream that wended through the mountains north of Bastul. Somewhere to the south, it would converge with others to form the Nescus River, which ran through the middle of the city and emptied into the bay. With each burdened step, the school of trout were driven farther upstream toward a pool where Ajani crouched upon a rock, pointing.

Kael stood motionless in the water with a spear held ready over his shoulder. His eyes were tracking their prey beneath the gentle surface. Suddenly, he loosed his spear into the water and brought it up again with a wriggling fish impaled on its barbed tip. He looked over toward Saba with a smile on his face. "Dinner?"

Saba nodded with a smile of his own.

"I'll make the fire," Kael said, wading back to the shore, where a small pile of fish had been gathered on the rocky bank.

"I'll help," Ajani said, rising to his feet and jumping gracefully across the boulders that were scattered through the still water.


Minutes later, Saba warmed himself by the flames while Kael added dry sticks to the fire. Ajani was stringing the fish along a branch by their gills, readying them for cooking. So far the short excursion was keeping the children busy, and Kael's thoughts seemed to be occupied by the tasks at hand.

As the crackling flames grew higher, Kael moved away from the heat and sat on the ground. "Mother must be worried," he said quietly.

Saba looked to the child, but remained silent.

"Father has been gone a long time," Kael added.

More silence passed before Saba finally responded. "And what about you?"

Kael stared into the flames. "I'm not worried."


Now Kael looked up. "Father is brave. And he's stronger than anyone. Nothing can hurt him."

Saba smiled at the boy's optimism, while inwardly he frowned at the conclusion that he'd already reached. Adair was indeed brave and strong. But even as he served the Empire with discipline and dedication, his primary loyalty rested with his family. Saba had come to know the man well over the years, and his respect for Adair had grown steadily with each interaction. He already knew—without needing confirmation—that nothing short of death would keep him away from Maeryn and Kael.

"You may have your mother's appearance, but you certainly have your father's courage. You are just like him," Saba replied.

Kael's face beamed as he looked back toward the fire.

"These are ready," Ajani said, lifting up the row of fish.

"Good work," Saba replied. "Let's take them downto the water and rinse off the dirt. Then we can start cooking them as soon as thecoals are ready."

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