4# A Hopeful Question.

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"Before we start, I have to remind you of some tips. First, focus on me and read my moves. Then react to them. Second, forget that I am Paul. I am not your trainer now and I will do anything to make you lose this match. And this is not just a match; it will tell me what we need to work on. Am I clear?"


"I think you’ve rested enough. Are you ready?”


"Okay, let’s start," he said. I got into a defensive stance, putting my clenched fists in front of my chest.

"Hit me Daniel," he prompted, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Hit me Daniel," he repeated.

"Hit me Daniel!" he screamed, and I attempted to punch him but failed. He grabbed my hand and put it behind my back. I flinched as my wrists twisted in an unnatural angle.

"You're not focusing Daniel! You shouldn't be affected by anything I am saying. That's not a good start," he explained before he grabbed my arm harshly.

"Paul, leave my arm, please,” I winced.

"You think that you would be released by begging in a match? You have to release yourself or else you'll lose," he growled, and I started to focus. I moved my head to distract him and freed myself from his grip.

"Good move... Now I want you to hit me and win that match...,” he said and I focused. In a millisecond, I was straddling him. We kept tossing and turning throwing punches at each other. I know that Paul could kill me, but he was being soft.

We threw punches, dodged hits, jumped forward and backward. After what seemed like hours of warding off Paul’s lighting fast strikes, he eventually threw his hands in the air to signify that he was finished. Finally, he was the one to stop the match! I took that as a victory in my book. I straightened my posture and we shook hands.

"Good Job Daniel! Tomorrow you can come here and workout by yourself as much as you want. And the day after tomorrow you'll rest for the match. I want you to be relaxed.”

"Thanks Paul."

"No problem son, take care." He gave me a proud smile and then walked away.



It had been a week since I made that boy Daniel leave. I don't know what was happening, but I feel somewhat sad. I don't even know him, but in a strange way, I want him to come back. What is wrong with me?

"Amber!" I was pulled sharply back into reality by Sophia’s voice.

"Huh. Yes, I’m sorry, what were you saying?" I asked.

"Hm. What were you daydreaming about,” she hummed while eyeing me mischievously.

"Nothing really. I was just thinking,” I lied.

"Okay then… Anyway, I was telling you that Robin is waiting for you outside to start training. Go quickly."

"Alright, see you later." I ran outside to find Robing waiting for me.

"Robin,” I said with a smile. When Robin didn’t return it, I felt a little offended.

"Come here to train. You're so lazy these days," he said with a straight face. What was going on with him?

"Sorry?" I asked.

"Amber, let's start. Please,” Robin pleaded.

“Are you alright?” I asked. He looked at the ground, hiding his face from plain view. I could tell something was wrong.

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