45# Christmas Eve!

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Chapter 45


"It feels good to be at home." I smiled laying my head on Daniel's chest as we sat on the sofa by the window in the living room watching the falling snow.

"Yeah," Daniel agreed. "It feels good to hold like that." I felt his hand on my shoulder pulling me tighter to his chest and I closed my eyes feeling the moment.

"Daniel?" I looked up with a playful smile.

"Hm?" He leaned in pecking my nose.

"How did you know that you loved me?"

"Um-" He took a deep breath raising his brows slightly. "From where did that come?"

"Just tell me." I urged laying my head back down on his firm chest.

"Um- okay. Since I was young I believed  that all our young lives we search for someone to love. Someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope. All the while worndering if somewhere, somehow,  there's someone perfect who might be searching for us and this someone was you... When I first saw you, I felt something foreign inside. When I began to talk to you this thing grew, but I still didn't know what was that, but then I kissed you in the party..." He paused.

"Yeah." I smiled at the memory.

"and then I knew that it was love. You stole my heart from the first moment and  without even knowing it, I fell."

"When we talk about it, I just get the feeling that that was too long ago." I exclaimed sitting up.

"Yeah." Daniel smiled kissing my forehead.

"You should go to bed, now so that you'd get enough sleep."

"But I want to stay here, Daniel. Look at the snow, it's beautiful." I smiled laying down with my head on his lap.

"Comfortable?" He chuckled playing with my hair.


"I called Paul and he said that he'll come with Clara and the kids."

"What about Delilah?"

"She's coming."

"Mum and dad will stay here these days, right?"

"Sure babe." Daniel nodded.

"The rest will stay at my apartement. We need to wake up early." I sighed.

"I thought you said that they will be here by eleven?" He gave me a questionning look.

"But I need to get my car first, it's still parked by my flat." I replied still laying down.

"And why would you get it?" He frowned and I sat up.

"Because... we have to pick them up, so we need seats for seven people and a baby chair, but your car doesn't have that number of seats, so..."

"So you want to drive when you're like this?" He frowned pointing at my stomach.

"Like this? Yeah, I can't see a problem with that cause I am perfectly fine!" I shrugged.

"You're not driving, Amber. Not now and not in NY while you're pregnant." He said in an authorative way. What's his problem?

"Don't talk to me that way, Daniel. I'm not a child to order." I protested standing up.

"Amber! Can you not take it that way for once?! I am saying that cause I care about you! Don't you see the news every day?"

"If I will die in an accident, you won't be able to stop my death wether you're next to me or not. You won't imprison me here for the rest of my life for God's sake!"

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