"Like what?" I was completley confused by this point.

"Like my underwear..." She said, Alli was laughing, laying down on the bed, I could feel my cheeks burning up slightly.

"Oh..." I stood up, scratching the back of my head awkwardly. 

"You want to come over ours? Jake will get there soon." I couldn't wait to see Jake and the guys again, I haven't seen them in about two months. They both agreed, and we went downstairs, Jess locked the door, and we started walking to mine, which was only next door. Alli walked in first, and I could tell Jess was nervous, probably about meeting the guys, and my parents. I put my arm around her waist and gave her a light squeeze, she's a lot thinner than I thought she was, not that I thought she was fat.

"It'll be alright." I whispered in her ear, before we made our way into the house, Alli was in the kitchen, talking to my mum. Alli turned around when she heard us walk in.

"There she is!" Alli smiled.

"Hey Jess, I'm Angie, Alli and Cody's mum, nice to meet you" My mum said walking over. I could feel Jess tense a little bid, she was so shy when it came to meeting new people, it's quite cute. I gave her a little squeeze like before, to reassure her, before letting go and walking over and sitting next to Alli.

Jess' POV:

Cody went over and sat next to Alli. Angie gave me a hug, before going back over to the sink, to finish drying the plates. 

"Nice to meet you too." I smiled, and went and sat down on the other side of Alli.

"Jess, are you sleeping over tonight aswell?" Angie asked me.

"Um, if it doesn't bother you" 

"Of course not darling! Me and Alli's dad are taking Tom to my mothers in a minute, we're staying there to give you kids some space." She replied, looking back at me smiling. I turned to Alli and mouthed, Tom? Not sure who he is. She mouthed back, little brother, I nodded, as it all made sense.

The doorbell rang, and Cody jumped up and ran to the door,

"That will be the boys!!" Me, Alli and Anglie all laughed.

"That's my que to leave. Come on boys!" A man, who I assumed was Alli's dad, came running down the stairs, a boy looking around 7 following behind him. I just smiled and gave a little wave, they both smiled back. I heard Cody shouting as he opened the door,

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Simpson" One of them replied. Simpson. That's why he looked familiar. He's that singer. 

"Come on" Alli said, getting up and going to where the boys voices were coming from, they were saying hello to each other, probably 'man hugging'. Haha, 'man hugging'. 

We walked out and Cody introduced me to the three guys tood infront of me, each with a bag either on their back or in their hand. 

"Guys, this is Jess, Jess, this is Josh, Jake, and Campbell" I waved at them all slightly,

"Hey.." I said, Cody put his hand around my waist again and squeezed my side slightly. Hey, I'm not complaining. 

"Ooo, this the new girlfriend Codes?" Jake asked. Me and Cody both went a light shade of pink and he removed his hand from my waist.

"No," He started "Just friends" He smiled at me, I smiled back. 

It was about 7o'clock, Alii's parents had left, and I still hadn't got my stuff for tonight. We were all sat in the living room, the guys playing COD.

"Alli, I better go get my stuff, what do I need?"

"Well, we're all sleeping down here, with pillows and blankets, so you don't need a sleeping bag. You can borrow some of my clothes tomorrow if you want. What do you usually wear to bed?" I chuckled at her responce to my question, and at the one she asked me.

"A hoodie, and shorts." 

"Ok, well, you can borrow one of Cody's hoodies, and I'm sure he won't mind you borrowing a pair of his boxers." She replied, focusing her attention on the TV screen. I almost chocked. 

"What?!" I almost shouted, causing the guys to turn around.

"Cody, you don't mind Jess borrowing a hoodie and a pair of boxers to sleep in, do you?" He went a slightly dark shade of pink, and all the guys looked at him.

"Um, sure, I don't mind.." He quickly said before turning back to the game, the guys and Alli chuckled, turning back to the TV. I just sat there.

"Thanks alot Alli." 

"No problem, now you don't have to go home." She smiled at me, I don't think she got my sarcasm.


Thanks for reading :) Tell me what you think :P Next one should be up tomorrow x

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