Chapter 17: Change of Alliance

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Home is Where the Heart Is

Chapter 17: Change of Alliance

Nadya’s POV

I wasn’t anywhere close to the village when we were attacked. It was a group of seven. A kangaroo, Irish elk, lynx, bear, a horse, and a pure white tiger. I could also see a sloth and a gazelle hanging around the edges. Sasha crouched down in a defensive position and bared her teeth. I shifted to my white tiger form and bared my fangs, the roared. The horse whined, rearing up. Voices bombarded my head. My ears pinned back at the sudden intrusion of so many people. Shut up! I growled inside my head. Everyone went silent, staring at me. Now, why did you attack us? Who sent you? Where did you come from? I ordered. When everyone started “talking” at the same time, I growled again and yelled, One at a time! Shift back. It’ll be easier that way and so Sasha can take part of the conversation.

Who’s Sasha? A voice asked.

Dude, I think it’s the vampire. A slow, lazy voice said. I growled and then everything went silent in my head. One by one, they shifted back. The first to shift back was the Irish elk. Where the animal once stood, now stood a man. The Lynx, kangaroo, gazelle, and sloth were also guys, while the tiger, bear and the horse were girls. They all started talking the moment I was human again. A dull pain in my head was slowly growing worse, and all of them shouting at the same time wasn’t helping.

“Will. Everyone. Shut. Up!” I yelled, handing shaking on my head. “Now listen up. I know who made you, but you will listen to me now. I don’t want to hear a single peep out of any of you! Sasha, the vampire, is a friend! And if any of you as so much as even look at her wrong, I will beat you inches from death! Do you hear me?” I shouted, a demand of order and submission laced in it. All of the nodded, looking down at the ground, showing their submission.

“Nadya? You okay?” Sasha asked slowly.

“No, I am not! I am pissed off and I have a terrible headache. And I am not looking forward to meeting Jose again.” I said. I blinked. Everything was slowly going in and out of focus.

“Nadya? Alpha?” I heard one of the guys ask me. He voice sounded muffled, like I had stuck cotton balls in my ears. Then everything went blissfully black.


When I came to, I opened my eyes to find that I was in a hut. A sense of déjà vu came over me. The hut reminded me of when I woke up after becoming a shifter. My head still hurt, but not as badly as before. I moaned as I sat up. I could hear several voices outside my hut. From the accents and different languages, it was obvious that the people who the voices belonged to came from all around the world.

Footsteps signaled that someone was walking towards my hut. Someone pulled aside the cloth that covered the door. I dimly recognized that he was the leader of the group that attacked Sasha and I yesterday. I was up on my fee, crouched down, teeth bared, ready for an attack. He paused, hands raised in surrender. “I’m not here to attack you. I just want to talk to you.” He said. He had an Irish accent. He was the one who shifted into the Irish elk. He had light brown hair that had a tint of red to it, blue eyes, and he looked around my age.

“Who are you? What did you do to me? How did I get here? Where am I?” I hissed, not relaxing slightly.

“I am Damien. I didn’t do anything to you. Jaguar did it to you. He appeared moments after you fainted and carried you here. At the moment, he is at the temple, otherwise he would have been here.”

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