Chapter 9: Why?

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Okay, so I've been working on this for the past couple of days and yesterday I finally managed to finish typing it, but I couldn't update... soo I'm doing it now. :D

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of the characters (except Nadya and the characters that I made up!) Everything belongs to Stephine Meyer... ect ect. Now, On with the story!

Chapter 9: Why?

Nadya's POV

I woke up confused. I didn't know where I was or how I got there. Also, the last thing I could remember was shifting into a shark to go after the red-headed vampire…. When I turned my head to look around, the pain that greeted me gasp in surprise and pain. Tentivally, I reached up and touched my neck. I could feel bandages there. What had happened to me and why couldn't I remember? I started to freak out; nothing like this had ever happened before!

When I took a deep breath to try to calm myself, a strong scent hit my nose. Seth. This must be his room. I calmed down. I don't know how he was able to calm me down with just his scent, but he did.

Slowly and gently, I sat up. My neck throbbed, but I ignored it; it was getting better by the minute. I heal super fast, thinks to my curse. I looked around the room. It was pretty clean for a teenage boy shape shifter. Well, I think he's one of the wolves. It would explain the slight wolf smell in his wonderful smelling scent. I had a few guesses of who else could be in the pack. It would be interesting to be around others like me- sorta. I had always been on my own; I was curious on how it felt to be apart of a group.

I looked down at my clothes. They were stiff with salt-water and covered in dirt. My shirt was the scariest; it was stained with blood. I shuttered. I carefully got up and walked to Seth's closet. I pulled out a clean shirt. It was a deep green color. I pulled off my shirt and put on Seth's. I had to pause for a minute to stop the world from spinning. Seth's shirt was so huge on me! I pulled a pony-tail off my wrist and tied it off to the side. It was still big on me, but it at least didn't end mid-thigh. As for my pants, when I looked around, I couldn't find anything that I could wear and get away with it. Maybe his mom would have something I could use… But I was keeping Seth's shirt; it was comforting and it smelled like Seth, a defiant bonus.

I padded quietly to the door. When I opened it, I saw Seth passed out on the floor in front of the door. He was waiting for me to wake up. But was it because he was worried about me, or was it because he didn't want me to run away, and thus making me his prisoner. I hoped and believed that the latter wasn't true.

I knelt down next to Seth in the doorway. I lightly placed my hand on his cheek. I couldn't help myself! He looked so peaceful and sweet. I so badly wanted to kiss him. But I held myself in check. His eyes didn't open, but his hand covered mine and held it to his face when I tried to remove it. "Nadya," Seth murmured. I smiled, choking back a small laugh.

"Yes, Seth?" I whispered to him. Suddenly, Seth's eyes snapped open and I was laying on his chest, trapped in his arms. "What are you doing up? You're supposed to be resting!" Seth's face was so close to mine and I had to fight the urge again not to kiss him.

"Oh, and suddenly you know everything," I joked. He narrowed his eyes and growled. "How could you do something so stupid? I can't lose you! Why did you jump after that leech; you should've just let her go!"

I couldn't say anything; Seth was shaking too hard. "Calm down Seth. How about this, I'll tell you and your pack everything- and I mean everything- at the same time so I don't have to repeat myself. And you answer all of my questions. Deal?" I offered. Seth stuidied my for a moment. "Deal." He finally agreed.

"Now, can you let me up? I'm hungry and I want to find a different pair of pants or something to wear." I asked. Seth got up, but kept me in his arms. I didn't mind; I felt something whenever I was with Seth, espically in his arms. I couldn't put my finger on it. Seth looked me over. "You're wearing my shirt." He seemed pleased at the fact.

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't want to stay in my shirt. I would've worn one your pairs of shorts, but everything was too big. Do you think you mom has something I can borrow?" I asked, not looking at him.

He pulled my face up so he could look me in the eye. "I'm sure my sister has something you could borrow." Seth said. He picked me up bridal style and carried me down thee hall. I squeaked in surprise. "I can walk you know!"

"Well, I can carry you just as well. If not better. Here's Leah's room. Find a pair of pants or something. I don't know where she keeps her stuff." Seth put me down in Leah's room and walked back into the hallway, the door closing slightly.

Unlike Seth, Leah's room was a mess. I wonder if she's a shifter as well. It would make sense. I eventually found a pair of short-shorts. I tossed my dirty jeans into a hamper in the hall. I was lucky that I didn't get cold easily. Though it was a pain the rear in a very hot desert and such.

The moment my foot touched the hallway floor, I was swept back into Seth's arms. "So… where is everybody? Who's the alpha? Who's in your pack? How long have I been passed out?" I asked to break the silence. I also wanted to know.

"You've been passed out for two days. You're parents know that you're here, so they don't worry. And Sam Uley. He's our alpha. That's where we're going now; Sam and Emily's house. Everyone is there now. Just make sure that you don't stare at Emily too much at Emily, Sam's fiancé. He doesn't like it when people stare at Emily." Seth warned as he carried me outside.


"Uhhhh…. You'll see why in a few minutes." Seth vaugly said he opened the passenger seat to what I guessed was his truck and putting me down on the seat. Before I had a chance to do it myself, Seth buckled me in. "Hey! I can do things my myself!" I pouted. Seth shut my door and was sitting in the driver's seat, turning on the truck in a matter of seconds. It was kinda nice not to have to hide what we were to each other. It was silent on the ride to Sam and Emily's house. Questions haunted me. What was Sam going to do or say to me? Who else was apart of the pack? Was Emily a shifter? Why wouldn't Sam want me staring at her face? Was he THAT possessive? What if they wanted me to leave? This was the one place that I felt like I belonged, that I fit in.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Seth stopped the truck infront of a small, white house. It was clearly visited by several shifters when you looked close enough and knew what you were looking for. Seth was at my door and opening it. Knowing what was coming, I grabbed onto the seat buckle and refused to let Seth unbuckle me and carry me like beefore. "Seth, I have two working legs. I plan on using them so don't even think about it. Now, if I let go of this buckle, will you please not pick me up?" I asked.

Seth sighed and nodded. In such a soft tone that I don't think he even realized that he was talking (I barely heard it), he said, "But I like carrying you better."

He steeped back slightly and I got out of the truck. He followed closely behind me like he was my shadow. I could hear voices from inside. I could also smell something that smelled sooo good it made my mouth water and stomch grumble. I stepped inside. It went dead silent. Heads snapped around to stare at me.

Hope you liked it! :D I have started writing the next chapter (I only have about a page or so, I'll try to update soon) remember, review! Reviews make me so happy. They litterly make my day!

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