Chapter 4: Dolphins and Forgotten Things

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Here is Chapter 4. I am soo sorry that my chapters have been short lately! Don't worry, they'll get longer soon. I just end them when I feel that they should end. (not deciding to ending them there, but feeling my gut feeling kind of thing. Hard to explain...)

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And on with the story!

Chapter 4: Dolphins and Forgotten Things

Nadya's POV

I stood staring at the man, not sure if he was real or not. Where had he come from? He looked very similar to the guys, so he had to be from around here. The sunlight coming from through the clouds made everything that much more special. There was something about him, that reminded me of a wolf- fierce, protective, part of a strong family and extremely loyal. I don't know why though.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I knew that I had to leave, or else my family will wonder where I go to. Well, maybe not my parents, since they knew that I could take care of myself. The only thing they would be really worried about is anyone finding out about my secret. But I never wanted to leave; he was like my personal son, every moment away from him would be like an endless storm of sadness, despair and unable to see the sun.

I opened my eyes to see that his face was inches away from mine. I desperately wanted to kiss him, but I knew that if I did, I wouldn't be able to walk away… ever. I was saved by the bell, in a manner of speaking. His phone rang from his pocket just before his lips were about to meet mine. I took the chance when I still had one. I darted away, running as fast as I could. I could hear him running after me, but by the time he reached the beach, I was no longer human and was about half a mile away from the coast. I had dove into the ocean and turned into a dolphin. I pushed my tail into motion, making my way along. I couldn't ignore the dolphin's instincts and I leaped high in the air. Dolphins were so playful and free-spirited! It took me nearly an hour to make it down the coast far enough to change back. The dolphin me had wanted to explore everything and keep playing. Lucky for me, I kept my clothes while I changed forms.

It wasn't until I was climbing back into my room through my window that I realized that I had left my flute on the beach. I cursed in several languages. How could I be so stupid? I groaned then flopped onto my bed. I was starving, but I didn't feel like going down stairs and looking for food. I was despressed; that was my favorite flute and I couldn't go back with the risk with running into Mystery Man again. Why did I feel the way I did? I shook my head. Out of sight and out of mind. I thought before falling asleep.

And so Nadya changed into her first animal... well, in the story so far! How did I do? what animal should she change into next?

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