Chapter 2: Dark Thoughts and Burning Up

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Chapter 2: Dark Thoughts and Burning UP

On our way to Aunt Annie's, I was squished between Jacob and Collin in the back of the van. How everyone else was able to squeeze into the van, I will never know. Mom and Dad were with Aunt Annie in her car. When they protested us being separated, Aunt Annie said that they should stop treating me like a little kid and that they didn't have anything to worry about. Not, that I was complaining. Mostly.

It seemed like everyone had questions for me. Collin most of all. I tried to answer truthfully, because I wanted to like them and they to like me for me. Though I would completely ignore any questions that would lead to me spilling my curse. Not a good way to make new friends. Unfortunally, most of those questions came from Collin. He was such a happy guy. At times, I could image him or Brady even with a tail. It almost made me laugh.

Darker thoughts came to me then. If anyone would have a tail, it would be me. 'Cause, I actually did have a tail. Not 24/7 though, thank God for that. I would be a even bigger freak if I did. My curse was that I could turn into any animal that I touched. Unfortunally for me, the villagers in Peru made me touch so different kinds of animals that I lost count. Everything from the tiniest ant to a tigress. Of course, they made sure that all the animals I touched were female. Oh so nice of them huh? I can usually control when I change into an animal, but sometimes I transform without meaning to. I've had some very close calls before, and then boom, we move before anyone can figure it out.

Jacob's hand actidently bumped into mine. I jumped when his hot hand touched mine. Well, at least I think it was hot. It was a couple of degrees hotter than my already hot hand. "Why are you so hot?" I asked, not thinking how it sounded.

"Well, I'm just naturally this hot. Can't do anything about it." Jacob said while everyone else laughed. My cheeks blushed a light pink. Fortunally for me, I didn't blush deeply. "No stupid. I mean temperature. Why is your hand so hot?" I said rolling my eyes.

Jacob looked everywhere except at me. "Oh…that. I was just born that way. Most of us are." And that was clearly the end of that.

The jet lag that I had thought I left behind decided to catch up with me. My eyelids started to get heavy. I slid down in my seat to try to get comfortable. Try being the key word. When I couldn't find a good position to sleep, I poked Jacob and said, "I'm going to use you as a pillow, so I hope you don't mind 'cause you don't got a choice in the matter." I put my head on his shoulder and almost fell asleep right away. I could hear everyone's else laughter, Jacob laughing with them. I could practically hear him smile. Then I knew no more.

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