Chapter 7: Darkness

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I start school tomorrow, so this must hold you guys until I can update again. (hopefully soon) Hope you like it! :)

Remember, I don't own Twilight. Why would I write fanfiction for my own story?

Chapter 7: Darkness

Nadya's POV

I was surrounded by darkness. Silence was the darkness's perfect company. There was no warmth, laughter, anything. There was nothing. I was nothing. Then a speck of light appeared. I walked towards it. The light was becoming behind a door. When I tried to open the door, it was locked. A gust of freezing air swirled around me. I shivered. I knew that once I got past this door, I would be warm and safe. I banged my hands franticly on the door. Nothing I did had any effect.

Something shot out from the dark, knocking me to the ground. I cried out in pain. My hand raised to my neck. It was bleeding heavily. It felt like someone had taken a saw to my neck several times then punched it there. I was crying. I didn't care if anyone saw; it hurt too much.

Standing before was a vampire. She had the usual too-pale skin, red hair and eyes. She was the vampire that I had chased. What was she doing here? She smiled at me. "How are you going to protect your precious loved ones when you're dead?" She purred evilly. I would've growled but my throat was unusable at the moment. I tried to change into a white tiger but found I couldn't. The vampire smirked like she knew that I was helpless. Then she lunged at me.

A huge wolf leaped at her from somewhere, saving me. The wolf was a sandy color. He growled at the vampire. They lunged at each other, locked in battle. Neither one seemed to be winning.

I dropped to my knees. The pain was becoming too much for me to deal with. The wolf howled in pain, like my pain was his pain. He ripped the vampire's head off and darted over to me. His chocolate brown eyes stared deep into mine. The wolf's eyes matched Seth's. Seth. What was going to happen to him when I died, for I knew that I was dying. I would miss him dearly. He meant so much to me, even though me only met a few days ago. I think it was safe to say that I was in love with Seth.

The wolf whined softly. He crouched down so his face was level with mine. I looked deep in those eyes. I knew it was Seth. "I love you Seth." I whispered, everything going black like the world around us. I felt my body fall to the ground. I was glad that I was able to tell Seth that I loved him before I died.

So? What do you think? Reviews are a joy! Free ice-cream of your choice dlivered to you by the wonderful Seth if you do! Okay, not really, but you can pretend... right? ;)

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