Chapter 12: Who Knew Werewolves could be so Captivated by Fire Part 2

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She nodded. "Sounds like a good plan!"

I smiled and led her to an empty table in the Great Hall. I enjoyed every second that I spent with Zentheya, however I had notice how unsure of herself she always seemed to be. Maybe someday I could help you see what I see...

Once breakfast was finished, we walked to our class, Care of Magical Creatures. Professor Kettleburn was already writing on the blackboard, so it was rather easy for us just to sneak into the room and simply slip into our seats. "Alright class, today we will be focusing on charms such as the Disillusionment and Memory Charms!" He said. "Turn to page 137!"

Zentheya's P.O.V.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. I was just so glad that I had all of my friends around me, keeping Malfoy from coming near me. I was very aware that I had to catch up on a lot of work that I had missed yesterday. It was after the feast and I was in the Library with Elodea, Lily, Marlene, Alice, Mary and Remus. I groaned out of sheer boredom. "Come on Ze, you've almost got it!" Lily coaxed me.

"But Lils! I'm tiiiiiiiiiired and I hate Potions!" I told her, whining. "I mean how do I know that Severus is teaching me the right things!?"

"Because, if he doesn't the greasy got knows that Lily will turn him into the greasy toad that he is!" Marlene giggled.

"Well I'm not denying it but yes, I would and he knows that I would!" Lily smiled sweetly at me, making me smile.

"That is something that I wouldn't mind to see Lils!" Remus chuckled.

I had noticed that he seemed to be getting more tired every minute. He was also rather pale and I could see the bags underneath his eyes. I really wanted to help him. I was already suspicious of his secret, but I didn't want to ask or accuse without any hard evidence. "Are you alright Remy?" I asked him as I placed one of my hands on his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine Ze, just tired is all!" He told me.

"See Lils! Even Remy is tired! Can we pleeeeeeease take a break now!?" I asked, pleading with my puppy dog eyes. My head was beginning to ache with all of the knowledge that she was trying to get me to learn.

Lily sighed heavily and marked the page that she was on before closing the book. "Alright, I guess ten minutes won't hurt!" She sighed.

I smiled happily as she caved. "Yeah!" I cried hugging her before laying my head down to rest as it was still aching from yesterday, but my arm wasn't too bad now.

"I'm going to get a drink, would anyone else like one?" Mary asked as she stood up.

"I'll take one and maybe Remus should have one as well, he doesn't look all too well!" Marlene pointed out as she looked at him with a concerned expression on her face.

I lifted my head. She was right. Remus looked like he was about to be sick! "I'm fine *swallows* really..." He said.

Sirius' P.O.V.
"Where is he James!?" I asked as we paced outside the Whomping Willow, waiting for Remus to show up. This wasn't like him! It was getting closer to night time and tonight was meant to be a full moon!

"I don't know mate! Pete said that he would go and get him!" James sighed worriedly.

"It's nearly the full moon Prongs! We have to find him!" I said getting increasingly worried.

"Come on! We'll look in the Map!" James suggested as he took out the Map from his robe pocket.

"It's solemnly swear that I am up to no good!" We chanted, pointing our wands at the Map, opening it.

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