Chapter Twenty-Two

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The cold water hit me like a wall of ice making my blood run cold, I could feel my body  getting tired from the cold coursing through my veins. I struggled to make it to the surface my limbs frozen as I tried frantically to kick to the top. I broke the surface coughing as I flailed in the water, "help" I cried. Sauli was standing on the bridge above me, he smirked. "Oopsie im so clumsy, Oh yeah catch" he said as he threw something off the bridge. Something hard and heavy hit me on the head the weight knocking me back under the water and dragging me further under.

"Adam" A voice said as the darkness around me suddenly became a blinding white light. I was laying on a cold floor, I shielded my eyes from the light as tommy stepped out from it. "Tommy" I said, "adam" he said as he embraced me tightly. "Tommy I missed you, does this mean im definitely dead now?" I asked. He smiled "now that's up to you" he replied. "Sauli tried to kill me tommy, he had a knife" I explained. "I know, I tried to stop him but well I cant" he answered, "This is crazy, everything that has happened. It was so diffucault" I said.

"I know adam, I had to watch that. It was hard seeing you having to go through that, all those drugs and the horrible place. Im so sorry, to put you through all that with my stupid actions" he said. I shrugged  "it doesn't matter. Im over it, but I still miss you" I replied. "And I you, but you have people back home who wouldn't want you to die today, You have a job and the life you always wanted" he answered. "But I don't have you, what does it feel like to die tommy" I questioned.

"Calm actually, everything that was wrong with you heals. It was like falling asleep, you can watch over the people you love. Become like me" he explained. "Like you?" I questioned, He smiled and closed his eyes, there was a sudden glow as a pair of feathery wings tipped with black appeared on his back, "Im an angel adam. That's why ive been watching you" he explained. I gasped "wow" I said. He smiled  "so what are you going to do adam?" he asked.

"I wont loose you again, theres nothing back there for me now. My friends and family have thir own lives, the celebrity world has moved onto the next person. I wat to be with you, I want to stay with you" I decided. "As you wish" he said blowing something over me as light radiated from my fingertips like in doctor who where they regenerate. I felt myself being lifted from the ground as I span and then gently landed on the floor.

Tommy knelt down next to me, "are you ok?" he asked. "Im fine" I said smiling, he hugged me tightly his lips on mine. I could feel his warmth against my body, his skin on mine as a sense of calm washed over me. "Here watch this" tommy said as the light dimmed to a dark street lit by lights.

People were crowded on the bridge Sauli held by the police metal cuffs dangling from his wrists. I walked through the crowd as I looked down, I was laying on the road. Eyes closed, hair stuck to my head and my clothes stuck to me. I wasn't breathing, "hes gone" a paramedic said as everyone fell silent and hung their heads. I watched as I was put onto a stretcher and covered with a blanket. I was put inside an ambulance as the blue flashing lights went into the distance. Sauli was thrown into the police car.

The scene changed, the police talking to my parents. My mom crying, my dad trying to comfort her. I watched like an outsider as she cried on my dads shoulder. Garnet and Ester on the sofa crying. My breath got caught in my throat as I swallowed tears leaving tracks down my cheeks. "They will be ok, ive seen it adam. Are you ready?" tommy said holding out his hand. I nodded and placed mine in his as we left the scene behind and walked through a tunnel of light. I kissed tommy as he kissed me back his engagement ring glinting on his finger his silver bracelet hanging from his right wrist.


Sleeping With An Angel #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now