Chapter Six

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"Adam over here! Smile for the camera!" came the voices of the paparazzi gathered outside. I smiled and waved as they fired questions at me. I answered them the best I could as I twisted and turned through them all to get to the car parked on the kerb. My manager had her hand on my shoulder steering me through the crowd as we climbed into the black bmw. "Well that was interesting" I mused looking out the window. Violet laughed quietly next to me, "welcome to celebrity status" she commented. "Oh gee thanks, is it always going to be like that now?" I questioned.

"Yep, it will only get worse. You'll have fans to contend with soon aswell. Fans and paps" she told me. "Great welcome to having no privacy" I said, she smiled "hey its not that bad at least not yet anyway. But paps will just turn up wherever I have no idea where they get their information from" she said. "Well that's something to look forward to not" I replied running my hands over my face. "Whats up?" she asked, "im just tired its been a while since I had a decent nights sleep" I answered.

"Do you have insomnia or something?" she asked, "no. Just a lot of bad dreams, you know memories of the past" I answered looking out the window. "That sucks, have you tried sleeping tablets?" she asked, "Nah im not into that kind of thing, normally calmomile tea and herbal tablets. They help a little, but enough about me tell me more about yourself" I told her. "Theres not much to tell, ive been in care since I was 4 my parents died in a plane crash on the way back from a holiday. When I was 16 I decided to move here, I wanted to do something with my life. I went to college and studied hard, when I got that A I was so happy. I got an internship and well the rest is history" she explained.

"Wow I had no idea, im sorry about your parents" I said. She shrugged "its life. Things happen, I cant bring them back I can only make them proud of me" she replied. I nodded in response as I yawned quietly. She smiled, "why don't you try and sleep we have a 4 hour drive to las vegas" she answered. "Maybe" I said leaning on my hand, "no definitely you need to sleep adam" she told me her voice stern. "Is that an order?" I asked smirking, "yep " she replied smiling back at me.

Some time later....

"Adam hey wake up" came Violets voice pulling me from a dreamless sleep. I blinked in the sudden bright light even though I was wearing sunglasses, "hmm what?" I said still half asleep. "We're almost there" she told me as I sat up and stretched, "ok" I replied pulling my phone from my jacket pocket. My eyeliner was smudged where I had been sleeping and my hair a mess. I licked my thumb and swiped it under my eyes wiping away the smudges.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I heard loud screams before I even got to the radio station. My album had only been out for a week and im already noticing the rise in tweets and mentions all over the internet, its only a matter of time before paps start digging into my social life. Before they find out about Sauli and tommy. SO far only close friends and family know the whole details. People like violet and jerry just got the general gist of it. I wasn't sharing everything not with them all, I looked out the tinted glass of the windows.

"Theres so many" I said nervously, "hey don't worry we have security with us you'll be fine" she told me nudging me with her shoulder. "Youre used to all this im not" I answered breathing deeply. "Do you need a minute?" she asked her hand on the handle. "No lets go" I said as she pushed the door open. Loud screams met my ears almost deafening me as I smiled and climbed from the car. I was met with people yelling my name and waving things for me to sign, I pulled the top off my sharpie and signed everything while posing for pictures with them all.

Eventually we managed to get inside, "that was crazy!" I cried as we were escorted to a dressing room. "You did good adam" she said smiling, "thanks" I replied returning her smile. I had been in LA for almost 2 months now, this whole new life took a bit of getting used to. My mom rang me almost everyday, she was going out of her mind with worry. I kept telling her im a grown man Im sure I can handle it but she wasn't having any of it, it was getting kinda old now.

My album has sold nearly 2 million copies already, my fanbase is getting bigger by the day. The paps are everywhere I turn, I don't think i'll ever get used to that. But fingers crossed they wont dig, but they probably will. I looked at the date, it was tommys birthday in a few weeks. He would have been 26 if he was still here, I had his present already. It was a silver bracelet with diamonds in, I had saved some of my wages for months to get it. I knew he would have liked it, I couldn't take it back to the shop though.

"Its time" Violet said, "ok lets do this!" I said as we made our way up the corridor and into a room filled with radio equipment. I knew the deal, interview then performance. This was my life now, I would just have to hold tight and enjoy the ride.

Sleeping With An Angel #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now