Chapter Three

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"So did you take that job?" he asked, my gaze fell to tommy perched on the bed so close I could almost feel his warmth dressed in his usual black v neck tee, black skinny jeans and creepers. "No I couldn't" I replied, "why youre good at what you do adam. You shouldn't put your life on hold you know, you should call him and take the job" he told me. "Maybe I will, people are watching me closely here. What will they do if I take a job in LA they will freak out" I explained. He shrugged, "so what? Your life choices  have nothing to do with them" he answered.

I smiled for what felt like the first time in ages as he sprawled across the bed, "Adam!" came my mothers voice as I sat up. She walked in, "who were you talking to?" she asked crossing my room. "Erm no one I was dreaming" I replied quickly. "Right" she commented. I climbed from the bed and looking round the room for source of tommys voice. It sounded like he was right next to me, but that's crazy It was just a dream.

"This house is a mess" she commented, "its a little untidy that's all" I retorted. "It needs cleaning, here eat this and i'll have a tidy up" she answered handing me a sandwich. She busied herself round me putting things away and tidying up, the hum of the hoover around me. "I can tidy myself you know" I commented, "im sure you can but no one has seen you for days" she replied.

"Ive been busy" I retorted, "doing what?" she asked. "Sleeping and stuff" I replied, "sleeping?" she answered. "Yeah I need as much sleep as I can get with all these bad dreams" I told me. "I thought you stopped having those" she asked sitting next to me. "I did but they are back, I don't know why. Tommy is in them theres no reason for him to be in my nightmares. They are so vivid its almost as though hes right there" I mused.  She looked confused as she raised her eyebrow at me, "adam you know he cant be there" she told me.

"I know im not stupid, but I can feel his breath, smell his cologne, hear him and see him. I can touch him" I replied. "Adam honey are you sure your feeling ok?" she questioned, "yeah why?" I asked. She shook her head as tough she didn't know how to reply. "What?" I asked, "nothing. I think we need to take you to a doctor" she answered. "Why im not sick" I said, "adam did you hear what you just said? Those dreams that isn't normal" she told me.

"What are you trying to say? Im fine!" I retorted standing and glaring at her. Tommy voice met my ears, "she thinks youre loosing it adam" he said quietly."Im not " I replied quietly. "Doesn't seem like she agrees" he told me, he was right. "Im not going to the doctor, im not mad like you seem to think I am. Im perfectly sane thank you, I think you should leave" I said stubbornly.

"Adam be serious" she started as I cut her off, "go" I snapped as she grabbed her bag and left. My dream came back to me, take the job adam came tommys voice like a whisper of the wind. I could sense him near me but as I looked around I couldn't see anything. My gaze fell to the phone on the side as I felt a gust of wind and reached for it.  

I went into my room and dialled the number, "hello?" a mans voice said. "hi this is adam lambert" I replied. "Ahh adam, how are you?" he questioned. "Im fine thank you, yourself?" I asked. "Yes im good, what can I do for you?" he asked. "About that job, is it still going?" i replied. "Of course, why are you interested?" he retorted. "Absolutely, I'll take it if that's ok?" I questioned. "Yes of course I was hoping youd come round shall we say we'll have a meeting in a few days when im down there?" he asked. "SUre thing, whats the address" I asked. He gave it to me as I wrote it down, "thank you I look forward to it have a good day" I said as I cut the call.

I shook off a small shiver as I settled on the sofa and switched on the TV, I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't alone. It was weird, like eerie in the apartment all tommys things still everywhere. But I didn't feel scared, I felt calm and at ease with myself.

Sleeping With An Angel #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now