Final Author's Note!!

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Wow. The end. I don't even know how finish off this note. The final author note for this story.

I guess I'll start with thanks n stuff.

Thank you to all the readers who've read through this while I was in the process of writing, you guys mean a lot and what helped me get this story going, and continuing to go until the end. All your votes, comments and reads always make me super happy and I appreciate you all so much. I love sharing my work with people, so to see nice comments and feedback on it is so amazing, to see that people actually take the time to read my stuff and also say something about it.

Thank you to all the readers in the future! Those who've stopped by to read this as a completed work, you're awesome! I started writing this 10.20.15, and now it's coming to an end 8.22.16, so for anyone who reads this after that date, you're super cool and thanks for coming across this and reading all the way to the end and is reading this note now!

Thank you to my closest friends who helped inspire assorted things throughout this story, were there to talk to about new ideas for this, helped me through writer's block, read my chapters as soon as I finished writing them since I was always super desperate to share my update with them. You guys are awesome, thanks for being around through all this!!

And then thank you to the awesome bands who got me so hooked on them I went out and wrote a whole (almost) 40k story based around them. I take no credit for the characters except for what I wrote them doing, same goes for the song lyrics and song titles.

While we're at speaking of songs, there were many song lyrics, references, etc. throughout the story. Specifically a lot at the "Dance, Dance" chapters of the story. If you guys are interested, I made a Spotify playlist with songs that are played at the Dance, Dance thing.

Dance, Dance Playlist: 

If the link for the playlist doesn't work, my spotify user is the same as here, lilac-iero, and the playlist is titled "Two Quarters And A Heart Down Songs" or something.

I put Saturday at the end, even though it's not technically played at the dance, it still had significant part in the story. If you guys want a playlist (or just regular typed list) of some or all of the other lyrics referenced throughout the entirety of the story, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message!

So, I guess that's a rap. I hope you all enjoyed this story! Reading back it's kind of cringey for the first few chapters, but all the plot was sorted out by the time I got to the end so I guess it's staying how it is. Over time re-reading things, I might change up weird wording, grammar mistakes, continuity errors, etc. but this is the main of it all. If you're interested in reading similar stories with similar bands, or even different things I eventually come up with, make sure to follow me and see what other stuff you might like that I write. I also use the little conversations box to give you guys first hand updates, as well as try and interact a bit with random sparks of my personality and what I'm like besides a gay grammar nerd.

Check out my Tag Book for things that aren't really writing related, it's just tags and cool things you might find interesting, kinda "about the author" type thing I guess. If you want more Peterick, a lot of people read "A Hat And A Hook" (it currently has 2.3k views woo!) so take a look at that if you'd like. I have a Band Oneshots book for random shorter things I come up with over time, which is multiple ships and tons of random settings. Then my last main story is my "Fic/Story Ideas" book which is basically just me rambling about story ideas I have and posting it to see which ones you guys wanna see. So go check that one out, read through ideas that interest you and leave a vote, comment or DM me if you like one in particular. Feel free to also put in a oneshot request or something of the sort, I love requests honestly.

Alright, this has gone on really long now. Thank you all again for reading through all this!! 

Over and out. 

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