Chapter 17 - Where Did The Party Go

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Pete's POV

5:43 P.M.

I guess it's not too early to walk in? I mean, people will probably already be here. People like getting places early. Like me. Well, not really. I'm actually late a lot of times. I wanted to be here early though. I wonder if Patrick's here. He's always at school way before me. I could totally see it. Oh gosh. What if he's already inside, standing around awkwardly, not knowing anyone. I gotta go in and comfort him. But what if he's not here. Then he just pulls up to the place and is the same situation as me. Shit this is hard.

My feet act for my indecisive brain, and I find myself fixing my greasy combed over hair and walk through the doors. I look around in search of Patrick mainly, but also looking if Andy, Joe, Brendon, anyone I know pretty well, to pop up. I see Hayley politely greeting people with hugs and her glowing smile. She looks very nice, her hair up in in a bun with her long bangs hanging at the sides. She wears a bright red dress, redder than her her naturally ginger hair color. I'm sure Lynn will have a trip tonight. I continue walking around, waving at people I've know briefly in classes from past grades, but I doubt they recognize me anymore. Then I spot Frank in the distance, wearing a grey coat with a black shirt and black and white striped tie hung loosely around his neck. His hair is combed to the side sorta like mine, but still sports the classic "emo" look. His gauges and lip ring still in, and he also decided to try red eyeliner today. Interesting. It works though.

Not seeing anyone else yet, I head to a table with assorted beverages and food. The punch bowl looks interesting. Just a plain crystal bowl filled with bright red liquid. I guess red is a common theme tonight, being in the punch, Hayley's dress, Frank's eyeliner. Or maybe just a coincidence.

"Hey Pete." I hear a voice say softly out of nowhere. I nearly drop my spoonful of punch I had ladled, my eyes wild as I look around to see who called me. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. My apologies." The voice says again, finally emerging from it's hiding spot in a dark corner at the end of the table.

"Jesus Ryan, you sure are great at sneaking around." I say, scoffing at the site of how well he's dressed compared to a lot of people here, including myself. I feel my face get hot at the site of his perfectly styled hair, so I turn back to the punch and hope I still look okay.

"I could take that as a compliment." He returns bluntly.

"Well, I'll be seeing you around." I say, then walk away, no longer wishing to talk to him and his great appearance. Just imagine how handsome Patrick will look. I'm sure he has an even nicer suit than Ryan. Maybe he shaved his sideburns for this special occasion. That would be a trip.

Almost as if on queue, I see the main door open and a short figure walk in, immediately recognizing it as Patrick. My gut tells me to stay calm and natural, but without even thinking it through, my legs are walking at a rather fast pace to greet him. I am, however, capable of stopping my arms from launching out and giving him an embarrassing hug in front of everyone. I instead stand in front of him awkwardly, observing every bit of his get up. His cheeks grow red when he sees me, and I feel my face get hot.

He actually does look really good. Maybe not quite the "Mr. Goody Two Shoes" look Ryan pulled, but really damn good anyway. His suit is grey, like a really silky silvery grey, a white button up shirt with really sharp triangle collar points, and a silky black tie. Only the few bottom buttons of his coat are buttoned, and they look kind of tight against his stomach and matching grey pants, but it's actually really adorable. He wears his glasses, the lenses reflecting a glare into my face slightly, but I can still manage to keep a focus on his face. His hair is nicely combed, sideburns still perfectly intact.

"You look nice." I say, the words falling from my lips before I can stop them.

"Thanks, Pete." He replies, his voice nervous and high pitched. He quickly looks at my own outfit, then returns the compliment. "You too."

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