Chapter 4 - Best Friends, Ex-Friends Till the End

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Pete's POV

I fool around with my pencil while half listening to the lecture. I try to be a good student and take notes, but my mind often wonders to so many places. I'm pretty good at retaining information just off of listening though, so notes are mainly just to review what I've heard and test what I remember.

I feel the presence of eyes on me, so I look to the left and see Patrick staring at me. It's not like a dazed off accidental stare, but a literal stare, purposeful and observant. Why he's staring at me, I wouldn't know. Probably just watching every student and trying to get to know people. Nothing special I assume. I mean, why would he have a crush on me? If he is actually gay, he's not very comfortable about being open about it, so if he for some strange reason actually did like me, he probably wouldn't express it, or tell me for that matter either. Regardless of the reason of his gaze, I smile back politely, my soul sparking up with a tiny glimmer of hope. There's always the possibility I guess.


Class gets out, and I proceed down the hall to the lunchroom, planning to meet up with Gerard and Brendon as normal. I walk silently to the room, only for a few seconds before Gerard jogs to catch up.

"Hey man, how are you?" He asks subtly.

"Pretty good." I reply. "What you been working on?" I ask, gesturing to the notebook in his hand. He blushes, then shoves the notebook into his bag.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a few sketches."

"Oh, okay. Cool. So, what do you think of the new kid?" I ask, trying to keep conversation fluent.

"He seems pretty cool. I haven't talked to him yet, but I heard him talking to you. I think he likes you." Gerard explains. My heart skips a beat and my face lifts, which Gerard notices. "I mean, like, he likes you as a friend at least. I really have no idea about if he has a crush on you or whatever. Sorry I wasn't clear."

"Oh, gotcha." I reply less enthusiastically. We continue walking to the lunchroom right as Brendon hops us behind us, scaring the living shit out of Gerard.

"You damn teenagers!" Gerard retorts.

"But Gee, you're a teenager too." Brendon points out. Gerard rolls his eyes and continues walking, ignoring Brendon. Bren playfully punches his arm, retrieving a smile from his frail lips.

We head inside, proceeding to the cafeteria bar. After getting our food, we proceed over to our usual table off in the corner, just as I hear a loud crash behind me. Startled, Brendon, Gerard and I both look back to see what had caused the noise. I see Patrick holding an empty tray, food splattered on the ground as well as all over his shirt. In front of him, I see a tall boy who I know to be named Ronnie, smirking at Patrick. Pat retrieves his mess from the floor without looking at the boy, then moves off to the side so people can get by.

"Hey, you guys take my tray to the table and I'll be there in a few minutes." I rush out, shoving my tray on top of Brendon's. I rush over to Patrick, grabbing paper towels and helping him clean up. "You alright?" I say calmly.

"Yeah. Fine." He replies sharply. I hand him some paper towels and help him clean off his shirt, then grab his tray and throw a few crackers onto it.

"I got an extra sandwich that I probably won't eat, you can have it so you don't have to get back in line." I offer.

"Oh, okay thanks."

"No problem." I say, softly smiling. He gives me a small smile back, and then we head over to where Brendon and Gerard are sitting. By the time we get there, Andy and Joe have also joined us, and I notice Ryan sitting off by himself in a corner, still visible to us though, as he can get a glimpse of Brendon from where he sits.

"Hey, give me that sandwich on my tray." I demand of Brendon. He tosses me the saran-wrapped turkey and lettuce hoagie roll and I hand it to Patrick. He simply nods in appreciation, then starts walking over to an empty table. "No, Patrick, stay and eat with us." I say quickly, grabbing his arm. He looks at the hand on his arm, then back up at me, pulling his arm away. "Sorry." I quickly apologize.

"No, it's fine. Um, yeah. I guess I'll stay with you guys." He replies. We both sit down, him sitting on the edge of the bench, me sitting in between him and Brendon. Gerard sits next to Brendon, and Andy and Joe sit on the opposite bench. The boy I know as Frank walks by, and Gerard snatches his arm like a snake latching onto it's prey.

"Frank. Sit with us." He says bluntly. I don't really know Frank that well, but I know he's pretty good friends with Gerard. Gee moves over to the opposing bench, Andy and Joe scooting over, and Frank sits next to him. Brendon raises his eyebrows and sticks his tongue out slightly, making a suspicious face at Gerard. Gee blushes and tries to ignore Brendon's facial expression.

"And I believe this may call for a proper introduction." Brendon announces. I nod, then proceed to introduce people.

"So, Patrick, these are my friends, which you may have met in class earlier." Patrick nods, looking over at Brendon. "That's Bren, then that's Gerard." I say, pointing to the two. Gerard gives Patrick a polite wave, in which Patrick returns.

"I'm Joe." Joe says bluntly.

"Andy." Andy nods a hello, reaching out to shake Patrick's hand. Patrick returns the shake, then sits back quietly.

"Oh, and let's not forget Frank." Gerard pipes up, grabbing Frank's hand and raising it into the air. Frank blushes at Gerard's touch, and I can see Gerard's face growing hot.

"Hi everyone. I'm Patrick." Patrick announces.

"Hey Patrick. Nice to meet you." Joe replies politely.

"Good good, now we're making some progress." Brendon nods reassuringly. Patrick smiles at his new acquaintances, then we all actually start eating our food quietly, now just sitting in silence.

(AN: Did you see all my song lyric references :3 I swear this fic is going to be 90% terrible puns every 5 seconds. Okay, leave your votes and comments, and take a look at the note on my last chapter! Thanks for the reads!)

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