Chapter 19 - It Just Feels So...

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Hayley's POV

"I saw you, yeah you, you're breaking down. I hope you, yeah you, you come around." Lynn sings, her voice the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I didn't think I'd fall in love with my best friend, but here we are. Her voice rings out into the night, a few people gathered around the stage to view our act, mainly people out on the dance floor, slow dancing and being adorable couples. It's always nice to see some romance in the air, I would know. The song we're playing, Lynn slaying the hell out of the vocals, makes the mood all the better. I gently tap the wood drum, keeping a low and steady beat with her vocals and beautiful guitar strumming. It all sounds fantastic, especially since this is an acoustic performance. I try and keep my focus on the beat, but I can't help my eyes when my vision constantly drifts to gaze at Lynn, just how adorable she looks, all dapper in her suit, her hair shaved on the side and curly in the long ends. She's honestly such a handsome girl. She's amazing.

"I took all this love I found, and I hope that it's enough. Is it enough?"

The song goes by slowly, my nerves present the whole time. Although being up on stage with Lynn calms me, and the sounds we're making together is more than worth it. I try and train my thoughts on the notes and rhythm, occasionally harmonizing with her lead vocals. For once, my gaze shifts away from Lynn and instead into the crowd, watching the partygoers and observing them. I see quite a few straight couples, but to my pleasant surprise, I see many boys with boys. From what I can see, only Lynn and I are the main "lesbian couple," even though technically I'm not lesbian, I'm polysexual. She on the other hand is straight up lesbian, so I guess it's close enough, right? One couple in particular catches my eye, they seem so content with each other and don't really care if anyone else is watching. One boy is dressed in a handsome gray suit, white shirt and red tie, tall, with olive skin, brown eyes and dark hair. His partner, also very tall, say 2 inches shorter than the boy in the gray suit, has brown hair in a messy fringe that goes just below his chin. He's very slim, cladding a black suit coat, white button up, black tie, and gray dress pants that match the color of his partner's suit coat. They dance together softly and intimate, the taller boy's hands on his partners hip and another having linked hands together. They look into each other's eyes, then let off small smiles occasionally. The taller boy seems more confident, standing tall and giving more smirks than mellow smiles, while the shorter boy seems more on edge, looking around at his surroundings occasionally and brushing his long hair out of his face. They're super cute together, I can't help but get a warm feeling inside at the sight of them.

I can hear the song coming near towards the end, Lynn super into everything she's doing. "Don't you shut this down, don't you give this up..." I watch her as she gets to the ending of the lyrics. And with the last few lines, she looks up from her guitar and looks at me, almost singing to me. "Before you came around I was lost and out of place. You're the only love I found and I'm hoping you'll stay." She sings with a soft smile. I blush and smile back, hitting the drum a little harder than I probably should have. "Please stay." She sings, just regularly like it goes in the song. "Please stay." She then repeats. It sounds like she's just giving more emotion to the song, but her face says she's saying more. Through the written lyrics of the song, she's still sending me a message. "Please stay." She sings out again, even more powerful and so full of emotion. I keep eye contact with her and simply nod my head, my eyes slightly glistening from the emotions of the moment. She returns the soft smile, seeming satisfied, and then we close out the song with the fairly long musical outro. I glance back at the tall, male couple, and I see the shorter boy leaning his head close to the other boy's face.

"You're amazing Bilvy, you know that right?" I can fairly make out, mainly lip reading what the taller boy says. The slim boy nods and smiles, then stands on his toes ever so slightly and leans in to kiss his lover. The taller boy grabs his partner, Bilvy, I'm guessing a nickname, and lifts him slightly off the ground, hands on his hips, then gently spins around. Bilvy grabs the shoulders of his partner, holding on for dear life as the two gently spin around.

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