Chapter 18 - Oh Marjorie

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Lynn's POV

"...So, I guess that's it. This room is somewhat soundproof, so bang around a bit and you shouldn't be too audible. Just let me know if you need anything else. I'll be around." I say with a wink. The four teens nod in understanding and thanks, so I exit the room and shut the door behind me as I go. I think about all the music stuff that's going on now, and it never occurred to me that maybe I could even play something up on the stage. I can sing, and I also know some guitar stuff, so I could just do a little random thing. Maybe an acoustic of some sort? I dunno. But maybe I could ask Hayley to join me. Now that's a thought.

With my mind racing with ideas, I find my legs moving slightly faster back into the main room, looking around for Hayley. I'm usually pretty confident when talking to her, or well at least it seems to other people. I'm good at coming off cocky, as other people say. In reality, I'm just a really butch lesbian and just wanna get things done my way.

Eventually I spot the bright red hair and red dress from across the way, so I slow down my pace a little and try and act casual as I walk over to her. She seems to be in the middle of a conversation, but when she sees me approach, she bids the person farewell and proceeds to greet me.

"Hey Lynn, long time no see." She says jokingly since we only saw each other a mere 10 minutes ago.

"Yeah it's been forever." I reply, rolling my eyes. She lets off a slight giggle, then returns to focus.

"So, uh. How you liking this whole, thing." Hayley says after a few seconds of silence, gesturing to the room.

"Oh yeah, it's sick. I can't believe you pulled this off." I pause, then realize I might've sounded rude. "I mean, I know you could've pulled it off, I just meant, uh, it's super cool it actually happened. Um. Not that I didn't think it was going to happen. Agh you know what I mean." I spit out awkwardly, trying to maintain my cool. Hayley's cheeks turn a rosy red, matching nicely with her hair and dress, immediately making my insides flutter out of her cuteness. "Oh, yeah, anyway. About this whole stage and music whatever, I know some stuff on guitar and was thinking of maybe doing something? And I was wondering if you, uh, wanna join me?" I ask, trying to keep eye contact with her.

"Oh wow! Yeah, that sounds like fun. Uh, what do you wanna play? And like, what would I do. I can sing too. And a few other instruments." She says, winking. I let out a small relieved sigh and my excitement kicks in.

"Cool! I know, you have an amazing singing voice. And I've heard you a bit on the piano. That's cool about the drums though too. You wanna play an instrument tonight then?" I suggest.

"Yeah, sounds great! So, we'll both be on vocals, you can play guitar, and I can do drums, piano, rhythm guitar..."

"Wow all at once, that's some talent there." I smirk sarcastically, making her blush again.

"You silly goose, you know I didn't mean all at once." She laughs, punching my shoulder playfully. I let off a small smile and we continue making our plans for the evening. Eventually, we decide we'll both sing. We'll do two songs, one where I take the lead vocals and the other she takes lead vocals. We'll switch off instruments for both songs, so I'll do guitar for mine and she does a low drum thing for rhythm, then for her song she takes lead guitar and I do rhythm guitar. It's gonna be so lit.


About 30 minutes later, the stage crew has come in and started setting up our stage thing, and it looks sick as frick. Pete and them are still in the practice room, and I haven't heard a peep from them yet, so I guess that's a good sign they're working pretty hard. I guess I should check on them anyway, since Hayley and I will need the instruments too. I tell Hayley where I'm going, then head off back to the music room. As I approach, I can hear a bit of sound coming from the thick doors. It sounds super cool, even if muffled. I knock on the door, even though I doubt they'll hear it, then open the door slowly. The one with the fro, Joe I think, turns his head and gestures to the rest of them to tone down the noise. The singer, the new kid right, is in the middle of what seems like a really intense moment. His face contorts to hit the notes, and when Joe gestures for him to silent his vocal chords, he turns to me as well and his face goes bright red. He clears his throat and fixes his slick hair, as if it had moved with all that gel in it.

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