Chapter 12 - The Best Part Of Believe Is The Lie

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Pete's POV

It's nearly 2am and I can hear sobbing outside my house. Wait. Sobbing? At 2am? I guess it's not too out of the ordinary.

I peek out my window to see if I can find the source, and I see a dark, crouched silhouette near the side of my house. I open my window and stick my head to see if I could get a better view of the person, and also if I can hear if it's kind of a physical pain cry or more emotional.
"Damnit, you always fuck up everything. Why the hell would you ask to kiss him? What is wrong with you?" I faintly hear the voice choke out. Even through the sobbing, and low volume since I'm two stories up, it almost sounds like...Ryan? Oh god, he must've done something with Patrick again. Did Patrick do something back? My mind starts racing as I think about the possibilities. Ryan said he asked to kiss him. Did Patrick say yes?

Thoughts racing through my head, I quickly pull on a pair of pants lying on my floor. Too lazy to find a shirt, I just grab the blanket on my bed and wrap it around my shoulders, then quietly sneak downstairs and head out the door, turning to the area I spotted Ryan. Apparently, he heard me leave the house, as he now took off running, but in my direction. I guess he thought the sound was coming from the other house. In his hurry and in my hurry, and in the dark of the night and the emotional state we're both in, we collide and fall to the ground. In the dim light, it's hard to make out faces, but I'm sure he recognizes who I am.

"Hey, what are you doing out at this time?" Ryan says, exhaustion in his voice and his words slightly merged together.

"I could say the same to you." I throw back.

"Oh, just walking. I can't sleep."

"Then why were you crouched next to my house crying?"

"Oh, you saw that."

"Ryan I live right here, how could I not see."

"Oh, I didn't realize this was your house, all the houses look the same at night."

"Why were you crying?"

"Uh, I'm not crying, just, uh, allergies." I can feel the tension between us as Ryan keeps pumping out lies.

"Then what was the yelling that literally woke me up?" I say, getting agitated now.

"Why the hell does that matter? I'm not the one watching people through my window!"

"Fucking lies Ryan! You watch Patrick through his window, you invade his physical privacy, you asked him to kiss him? And now I'm the one at fault for "watching people through windows?" I know you weren't just walking around, I know your eyes aren't watery just because of allergies, I know my shit! I'll admit I woke up because I heard you crying and yelling, I wanted to come see what the matter was. If you'd have some fucking honesty Ryan, this would be so much easier."

Ryan stands there stunned, his mouth slightly parted as another tear rolls down his face. He wipes his eyes on his sleeve, and then his nose.

"Hey, uh, what's going on?" I hear a voice call from the opposite direction of my house.

"Oh shit, now you're awake too." I mumble, half pleased but yet also annoyed to see Patrick joining the conversation. "Will one of you tell me what the fuck is going on with you two."

Patrick and Ryan exchange glances, Ryan blushing and Patrick being struck with a look of terror.

"Well I, uh went over, and well-" Ryan starts.

"I let him kiss me." Patrick mumbles. "He's admitted to watching me through my window, he kissed me at school, then he came back to my house and apologized, then asked permission to kiss me and I said yes." He explains. His voice is filled with regret, while Ryan's facial expression lifts, all at the same time my heart drops into my stomach. My hands clench up and I feel rage burning inside me. I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I can't fucking help it.

"Thank you, Patrick, I-" Ryan starts before I lash out at both of them.

"Well fucking fine, go ahead and have your cute little whatever. I thought we were actually getting somewhere, I played a song for you, Patrick, I invited you to hang out with me, I did all this shit and you-"

"What happened to "it's alright if I like someone else," huh? I don't know my emotions anymore, everyone's so damn confusing. I can't figure out anyone, let alone myself." Patrick spits back, his tone of voice expressing he's hurt.

"Hey hey, it's alright, let's just gently settle thi-" Ryan butts in. Both Patrick and I turn to him, each with different raging emotions.

"Shut up!" We say in unison. Ryan shrivels down into his shirt but goes silent. In fact, we all go silent.

"It's probably nearly 3am at this point, we all need sleep. I'm tired of arguing over goddamn emotions." Patrick then says to break the silence.

"Fine." I spit back.

"Okay, well, I'll be going then. I'm sorry I caused so much trouble." Ryan says softly. He doesn't hesitate for us to answer before he runs off again into the dark, leaving Patrick and I there alone.

"I'm sorry Pete." Patrick mumbles.

"I am too." I mutter, then start walking back to my house, tears filling my eyes.

"No Pete, wait." I hear him call in the distance, his voice shaky. I start to pick up speed but I'm then stopped when I feel a firm hand on my shoulder. I turn around to face him, nearly slapping him by accident. He holds me now with both hands on my shoulders in hopes I won't turn away again.

"What." I say flatly.

"I want to go to Hayley's party, uh. With you."

"Are you serious? After all this?"


Then a moment of silence between us.

"Fine. See you there, lunchbox." I mumble, still slightly angry but my mood lifted slightly. I brush his hands off my shoulder and walk back to my house without looking back.

but anyway I'm really liking this drama shit I'm adding in. Is it too much? I do miss the classic ships... But things will take a lighter turn in the upcoming chapters, and I'll also get some Gerard, Frank, Andy, Joe, Hayley and Lynn character development soon, so stay tuned. I might write another chapter before I go to bed ;)

edit: 9.1.16 - I just went through and edited a ton of grammar mistakes and changed up some of the wording to make it sound better. Also i didn't realize how much i made patrick swear in this whoops. original post date (for my personal record mainly) was 2.1.16 ayy, exactly 7 months ago wow. anyway that's all for now ! 

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