Chapter 1 - Joke of a Romantic

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Patrick's POV


Tomorrow's the day. First day of new school. What was it even called again? Wyatt? No... Wi- Wi something... Winona, that's it. Winona High. What an interesting name. I like it though, seems to fit. So, first day of Winona High.

I'm a junior, so I really have no idea what to expect. 16-17 year olds are always kinda crazy I guess... Let's just hope I can make some sort of friends. Heck, if all goes well, I could even find myself a girlfriend. Maybe. I mean, to be honest I'm not all that into girls. Guys are actually really cute. Well, both are cute. Yes, both are cute. And of course there's those people who don't fit into that binary category, but I'm not physically attracted to them... Just girls and guys I guess. The thought of me, small little Patrick Stump, having a boyfriend? Now that's a wild thought. I'm just a joke of a romantic... Hey, that's a pretty cool sounding thing. "Joke of a romantic." I should make that into some sort of song or something. Just a joke of a romantic stuck to my tongue. Yeah, I like the sound of that. Just a joke of a romantic.


I wake up with a start, my alarm blaring in my ear. I slap the button to shut it up and groan as I crawl out of bed. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I look around my messy room in search of a decent first-day-outfit. Something that gives people an idea of what kind of person I am, but nothing that stands out too much.

I go for one of my many baseball caps, throwing on a long sleeved red and black striped shirt and a pair of dark jeans. I grab my flip phone, checking the time, then throwing it into my bag. I throw the notebook full of lyrics and doodles I had lying on my side-table in my bag as well, along with a few sharpened pencils, headphones and mp3 player. I slip on black socks and high-top black converse, then head downstairs.

I'm greeted by a 'good-morning' from my mom, who places a plate of breakfast on the table. I sling my bag over the back of my chair and bid her good morning.

"Morning." I say.

"So, you ready for your first day of school?" She asks warmly. I shove a pancake in my mouth, shrugging slightly, then nodding. "Great! Make some friends, alright?"

"Sure thing." I mumble sarcastically after swallowing my food. She laughs slightly, then goes back into the kitchen. I finish up my plate, returning it to the sink after a few sips of water. I check my hat and hair in the mirror by the door, then proceed to depart the house.

"'Kay, I'm leaving now. Bye." I call out. Just as I step out the door, my mom comes up behind me and hugs me, kissing the top of my head.

"Have a good day." She smiles, then watches me as I walk down the street. "You know which way you're going?" She calls out. I look back and give her a thumbs up, which she returns. I wave, and she heads back inside the house.

I pull out my mp3 and headphones, shoving the earbuds into my ears and clicking shuffle.

" Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road, time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go..."

I start humming along and keep my head low as I walk down the street. Winona High, according to directions I was given, is right down the street of my house. Just a few blocks, a turn up ahead on some street, then I'm there.

"So make the best of this test and don't ask why, it's not a question but a lesson learned in time"

I see the sign, one of the many 'Way's in town, this one called Gerard, and I recognize the name as the street I need to take a turn on. I turn left and continue walking down the street, seeing the high school not that far up ahead. My heart starts pounding in my chest, anxiety rising as reality comes into focus. I'm about to enter a new high school with new people and new teachers, and not to mention a whole new grade. 

This is going to be a very interesting start.


(AN: yay first chapter thingy! Okay, the accuracy is so hard to do, i've never really thought about time eras and stuff when writing stories before since I would normally just create whatever time era and go with it. I've had to look so many things up to make sure it's all within reasonable time eras and age and stuff, but tbh I think I'm gonna dump it soon because other characters involved don't match the time era. And plus, it's a fan FICTION, not a fan fact. Things aren't going to be completely true. So yeah, comment what you think, vote for it, and stay tuned for next chapter/part/thing!)

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