“Oh, we don’t drink.” Gavin smiled at me.

“It’s sprite and coke.” I laughed and they took the drinks.

“When’d you start working here.” Tessa asked me.

“Oh, I don’t work here. I’m just… subbing for the night.” I smiled at them.

“Whatever it works for me.” Gavin laughed.

“What brings you guys to a place like this?” I asked seriously for a second.

“Cops stay away from here and it’s free admission.” Molly shrugged.

“What about you? What are you doing here?” Tessa asked a little forcefully. Her crystal blue eyes looked like they were trying to penetrate my soul or something.

“I’m here with some friends of mine. I’m not much of a dancer, so I came over here.” I shrugged and saw the girls coming over.

“Time to go kitten.” Selina said looking calm, but her eyes held her nervousness.

“What’s up?” I asked frowning.

“The boys need us at home.” She responded. “You know them, can’t do anything on their own.”

“Alright.” I said coming to their side of the bar. “Have a good night guys.” I called over my shoulder to the three kids I left behind.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as soon as we were in the car and Selina was driving.

“Apparently there’s trouble with Ed and Joker right now.” Ivy scowled. “I swear men are so barbaric.” She shook her head. Harley and I looked at each other frowning.

“What’d Mistah J and Eddie do this time?” Harley pouted as we pulled into the garage and could hear a gun going off. Harley and I ran into the room, fully ready to face Killer Croc if we had too. Turns out, Bane and Croc where physically separating the two men from each other. Two Face was the one with the gun and everyone had their eyes on him.

“Everyone just calm down.” He said quietly.

“What was so damn important that you had to pull us out of the club?” Selina was hissing and Ivy was glaring.

“These two fools wouldn’t keep off one another. They started fighting a while back.” John said from Eddie’s couch. “It was pretty stupid actually.”

“You’re telling me Edward Nigma entered some sort of idiotic fight?” I asked sarcastically.

“Be careful, you might drown in all that sarcasm.” Edward growled at me.

“Careful, you might pop a blood vessel.” I cautioned earning a laugh from everyone else. Edward just glared at me and his face started to match his hair in color.

Riddle me this, Riddle me Kat! *Watty Awards 2012 Completed*Where stories live. Discover now