chapter eighteen

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"There are so many people." Winnie whispers, eyes widening in surprise.

You're currently standing outside the Palo Alto airport waiting for Liane to come pick you up. Winnie had fallen asleep during the plane ride, so her hair is ruffled and she's still struggling to keep her eyes open.

Lambeau, a newly certified therapy dog (which his bright orange harness advertises), wags his tail and whines at Winnie's apprehension. He had slept on the plane as well (which you are most thankful for because you were afraid he'd howl the entire trip).

"Winnie, airports are usually crowded." You shift your suitcase closer to you so you can grab the taller girl's hand because she's shaking ever so slightly.

"Yeah, but... Midway's never this busy." She bites down on her trembling lip, plastering on a brave face. You sigh deeply.

"Winnie, you have to stop doing that." She looks down to you, confused as to what you mean.

"I'm not doing anything, Mel."

"You're trying to hide your emotions again." You remind her, remembering something from the notes Winnie's doctor had handed you before you had left. "And you're calling me Mel."

She tilts her head. "I thought you liked being called Mel?"

"No, you call me Melly. You've always called me Melly. Whenever you call me Mel, I know something's up."

She laughs a little-but unlike her usual lilting giggle, it sounds forced and fake. "I never knew you paid so much attention to me."

Before you can respond, Liane's Volkswagen Van pulls up to the curb. A feisty, shorter blonde pops out of the driver's seat, hazel eyes flashing wildly as she shoots you and Winnie a Cheshire Cat smile. Her choppy honey bob blows in the California wind as she runs up to where you're standing.

"Winniebear!" The woman squeals, enveloping her sister in a trademark Seaford hug.

"Gremlin!" Winnie tugs her sister closer.

Ah, the Seaford sisters.

"Caroline! Scarlett! Guess who's here?"

Two girls poke their heads out from behind the corner of the car, a Newfoundland between them.

"Lord," you heave, hand to your heart, "that beast is terrifying."

"AUNT WINNIE! AUNT MELANIE!" Caroline jumps up and down and claps her hands, thrilled at your arrival.

"Not your aunt, Caroline," You roll your eyes playfully.

"I didn't know you guys were coming!" Scarlett says, surprised, running into her aunt's arms.

"We just... decided to pop in for a visit!" Winnie lies, sharing a glance with big sister Liane.

The Seaford sisters. AKA, the goddamn queens of lying.

"Where are the two of you going?"

Caroline tucks her hands behind her back, like she's a four-year-old who's just been caught with her hands in the cookie jar.

Scarlett scuffs at the floor with her shoe. "To Violet's..."

"At eleven o' clock?" Brows raised and eyes narrowed, you give the two of them your 'I know you're lying' stare.

Caroline giggles nervously, twirling a lock of her hair. "You see, Violet's having a-"

"Get-together!" Scarlett chimes. Caroline nods once.

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