chapter fourteen

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"Winnie, babe, we gotta go."

"Can't I sulk for a bit longer?"

"I mean, you can, but Kam's in the hospital."

"Not funny."

"I'm being completely serious."

"What?! Is she okay?!"

"Her baby's coming."

"Joey, grab the keys."

"Link, is something wrong?"

"Marco just called. Kam's in labor."

"Let me grab my gift."

"Oh my God."

"Link, I'll have you know that I hand-knit that blanket myself."

"How very masculine of you."

"Excuse you, knitting is an art form enjoyed by many. Don't gender things."

"Okay, okay, just hurry up, nerd."

"You love me."

"Yes, yes, I do."


Your phone rings, and it takes every ounce of self-control you have not to throw the phone across the room.

It's Marco. Marco and Kam, who have tried to remain neutral in all of this but have instinctively leaned more towards Winnie. Because Winnie is kind, Winnie is good, and Winnie doesn't stalk her best friend on her first date and forever ruin a friendship and a relationship.

"What do you want?" Your voice is raw from screaming into a pillow, and it's scratchy and worn out and you're just so goddamn tired of all of the drama.

"Kam, she's- Mel, she's- Baby! Baby!"

That makes you perk up just a little bit.

"Baby? As in, Kam's baby is on the way?"

Marco just pants into the phone.


He snaps to attention. "Yeah! Yes, her baby's coming! Hurry!" The line goes dead.

Oh, wow. Would you look at that?

More drama.



When you get to the hospital, four figures are in the hall, waiting for more information on Kam and her baby girl.

Link, his hair mussed up, his arm around Joey.

Joey, who's leaning into Link, a nicely wrapped gift box in his arms.

Tatem, who's pacing back and forth, stopping every third repetition to peer into Kam's room.

Which just leaves Winnie.

Winnie, who looks even worse than you feel. Winnie, who should be overjoyed at the birth of her goddaughter, who is utterly stoic. Winnie, who has a faraway look in her glassy eyes, which feels like a punch to the stomach because you're the reason that spark she's always possessed is gone.

All at once, three heads turn to face you.

"Mels," Link smiles slightly, his arm not moving from Joey's shoulder.

"Melanie," Joey nods in your direction, keeping a straight face, not portraying any emotions.

"You," Tate hisses. Her gaze is wild and angry, and you've never truly seen Tate get angry before this moment and fuck, you never want to see her get angry again.

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